Page 54 of Little Doll

“Truly, dear sister, I am not asking,” Faneseethed, his breath hot on my face. “Youwilldo this for me. And you willloveit.”

As if sparked by a rough stroke of flint, pain blossomed behind my eyes and I winced. It was so bad that I cried out and tears sprung to my eyes. Ren jumped up and rounded the table to coax Fane back into his chair by pressing her little hands to his chest. I leaned back limp in my seat, exhausted and overwhelmed by the pain.

Carmilla took my hand again. Varney also reached across and took my other hand. “Darling,” Carmilla said. “We’ll be there with you. We’ll make sure that everything is done properly and goes smoothly. And your Ren can be there. All will be well. We promise you.” Varney nodded his agreement, giving me the softest look he could manage with his dreadful face.

The pain spiked to an insufferable level.

I peered around at them, and it seemed they were lined up shoulder to shoulder, leering at me. The noise in the coffee house suddenly seemed unbearably loud, as though all the patrons were screaming at me. Demanding. Ordering me.

My head spun and the blood rushing to my ears became loud enough to drown it all out. Fane raced around the table once more; this time to catch me before I crumpled out of my seat and fainted dead away.

Chapter 24


It took twoweeks of positively haunting Little Doll to break her.

Between the four of us, we followed her everywhere and tormented her relentlessly. She’d go to sleep alone and awaken with Varney lurking over her in her bed. Then he would remind Nova that she’s already a monster and what good were ridiculous principles when she would never be a do-gooder again, anyway?

She’d innocently steal away to the woods to find a forest animal to feed on, only to find Carmilla there waiting to take over her mind and seduce her into giving up her blood, without ever remembering to feed for herself. Carmilla also frightened her with promises of mortal dangers to vampire and how changing me could only help protect our family.

She’d grow frantic with desire for Ren, with Ren coaxing her to the brink of oblivion, only to have Ren slip from her bed and leave her desperate and wanting.

And I… I tormented her the most. I kept Astrid from her. I followed her everywhere, singing obnoxious songs and reciting Shakespeare. I threatened to reveal her deviant sexual exploits to Arcane, and make our mother hate her more. I threatened to tell Draven everything, therefore endangering his life.

Ren confided in me she had allowed Nova finally to have a release. She’d turned her into a quivering, thankful mess. And in the tender moments following the romp, Ren had promised Nova that she would help me through my conversion and as I learned how to cope with my new status, she would help me control myself. She told me she had properly primed Nova, and that she was right at the precipice of giving in.

So, the following night, Nova woke in her bed in the stone room, and I was there waiting in the dark.

She woke and sensed me in there, although it was far too dark to see me.

I struck a match and stood to light the gas sconce on the wall.

She snarled as she threw back her covers and swung her feet out of the bed. The strap of her filmy nightgown slipped off her shoulder, causingthe low neckline to dip and reveal the curve of her right breast and her taut, rosy nipple. Her cheeks flushed beautifully from the warmth of her bed and fury. She was so mad she didn’t even notice she’d exposed herself to me.

I had to stop myself from chuckling at the gorgeous Little Doll.

I dashed across the room and caught her with both my hands by her shoulders. “Sister, listen to me,” I begged, my voice dripping with pleading. “Please, my darling girl, please put an end to this feud and do as I ask you.” I made a well-placed crack of my voice and choked out, “please.”

She sighed and stared at me, her face stoney.


I crumpled my face and sucked in a ragged breath, squeezing my eyes so tightly closed that it hurt.

Then, I began to cry.

Feeling tears slipping down my cheeks wasalmost entirely foreign to me, and I rather enjoyed the ghostly sensation. Only when I heard her gasp did I allow my eyes to flutter open.

Her red lips fell open, and she peered up at me with sparkling eyes. I made damn certain that my face was drawn with heartbreak. I couldfeelhow sad my face looked just then. Something in the air shifted.

She reached up and touched my cheek, cupping it in her cold hand. “Fane! You're cryng!”

Break, Little Doll. Break.

“I’m afraid I’ve never been quite so heartbroken as this before, Little Doll,” I imparted glumly.

Her bottom lip trembled, and tears had now spilled down her sweet face as well. “Please don’t cry,” she implored.