Page 53 of Little Doll

“Oh Nova,” Ren begged. “Please, just sit down.”

I shrugged and sat back into the seat that Fane was holding out for me. What, was I supposed to be some expert on penny dreadful vampires who were fictional, but who were actually real, and were all related somehow, and also were apparently related to me?

I was annoyed and thought about leaving Ren to get home with Fane while I turned myself into black moths and vanished.

I ended up between Carmilla and Ren. My exotic cousin leaned to kiss both my cheeks and to hug me. Warm as a cold-blooded monster can give, at any rate. My frustration eased somewhat, as I was glad to see her again.

This Varney character, I could not yet decide.

A waiter came and gave Ren and me teacups. Varney busied himself pouring hot water into them and steeping fragrant tea leaves inside an ornate black tea ball into the water. I stared at his long claw-like hands, mesmerized by howgracefully he worked his fingers in spite of the fact that they looked freakish.

Fane pushed back from the table, leaning back as he always did, spreading his long legs and clasping his hands as his arms rested leisurely on his thighs. He’d dressed up for the occasion in a spectacularly fashionable black suit. His chin dipped down, and he peered at me with hooded eyes and a serious expression on his face.

As though I was a snack, and he was very hungry.

“Let’s cut to the chase, Little Doll. I want you to make me a vampire.”

I chortled. “This again? I’ve already given my answer to this cockamamie notion.”

He smirked. “Well, we’re reopening the debate because I’m afraid I can’t take no for an answer.”

My cheeks heated with fury. “I suppose you’ll have to, Fane, because that’s what the answer is.”

Carmilla moved her gloved hand over mine. “Nova,” she said in her velvety voice. “May I ask that you hear your brother out? We’re talking about a time-honored family legacy here. He has a right to be part of it, don’t you think?”

“Family legacy?” I accidentally shrieked. My eyes darted around, and I lowered my voice. “It isnolegacy. It is a curse. A nightmare. To be a vampire is to be a devil. Locked out of heaven forever.”

Her face looked pained. “Oh darling, how sad that you see it that way!”

“Look, Nova,” Fane interjected. “Astrid got no choice.Yougot no choice. And now, I want to make the choice to join you, come what may, so that I can take care of you both. Forever.”

My angry heart softened, but his sweet musings were nowhere near enough to get me to do this to him. In fact, I planned to never, ever turn a human being, for all of my existence. I may snack on them or kill them. But I would never turn one.

“So have Astrid change you then,” I replied with a dismissive wave of my hand.

“If only it were that simple,” he pleaded. “I know you don’t know the ins and outs of this yet, but I’m sure you can guess what sort of dangers would be involved in a child vamp changing someone. Especially a…specialchild, like Astrid.”

I rolled my eyes. Naturally. A super-duper monster would create a super SUPER duper monster. Obviously.

I gestured at Carmilla and Varney. “Fine, well, here are two other fine candidates for you. Why can’t one of you two do it?” I demanded.

It was Varney’s turn to lean back and assume the same casual posture as Fane. Except that Varney managed to make it seem cumbersome and awkward with his long and gangly limbs. “You see, here is the issue with that, Nova. When a vampire creates a new vampire, a bond is formed.”

Varney paused dramatically, as though to let an extraordinarily important bit of information sink in. However, I hadn’t the patience for theatrics, nor did I find the information he revealed to be important or interesting.

“And?” I snapped. “So what?”

“It’s a deep, soul bond. Once you sire a new vampire, he will remain connected to you for all of eternity. Your emotions and thoughts will intertwine. If you are lost, he will find you. If you hurt, he will hurt. If you are happy, you will be his greatest joy,” Varney explained.

Fane stared into my eyes. “We have that connection already, Little Doll,” he murmured.

I hissed a long, exasperated sigh. “You both are family. What difference would it make for him to form the bond with either of you instead of me?”

Carmilla smiled and licked her lips. “I only enjoy the bond with females,” she quipped.

Varney gestured vaguely. “I’m a grouchy old prick. Don’t care for the company.”

Fane lurched forward and pounded both fists down onto the rickety wooden table. All of our tea cups jumped and clinked. He hopped to his feet and leaned across Carmilla to put his face in mine.