I nodded again.
Ren stepped up onto her toes and pressed her lips to mine. I moaned and the need within me exploded as I realized precisely what I had been needing. Stars of pain and arousal flashed behind my eyes, and I raised my hands to grip her upper arms and yank her even closer to me.
She sighed into my mouth and pushed her tongue between my lips. Her mouth was hot and demanding on mine.
I whimpered as she probed me with her tongue. Then she paused her kiss breathlessly to whisper. “Does it ease your pain, Little Doll?”
“Yeeeessss,”I hissed, pulling her back into the kiss.
“I love you, Nova,” she sighed into the kiss.
My eyes brimmed again with urgent, needful tears. “I love you, Ren.” Admitting it out loud brought me both relief and an intense pooling of heat in my core. I squeezed my thighs together even as she kneaded my tongue with hers and panted into my mouth.
Ren stepped back and sunk to a seated position on the chaise. She grabbed my hips and positioned me, still standing in front of her. Her face hovered in front of my waist.
“Let me heal your pain, Little Doll,” she whispered. “Let me take it away.”
I looked down at her with smoldering eyes beneath heavy eyelids, drunk on her.
I nodded.
She reached down and yanked up my skirts. Clutching them up, she gasped and beheld my naked flesh with big eyes. She had not been expecting me to be free of any undergarments and her eyes greedily drank in my pale, delicate skin and curly black pussy hair.
“God,” she said, rosy color racing to her cheeks.
I smiled, feeling my fangs extend. “God is not here, Willow Wisp,” I informed her.
Ren groaned and reached behind me to place a hand on my thigh. Her fingers gripped the softflesh of my ass, then returned to the thigh. She pulled my leg up, bent at the knee and directed me to prop my foot on the chaise next to her. This created a hook to hold back my skirts, so that she didn’t have to. It also opened my snatch to her, and she didn’t hesitate to plunge her face into my folds.
My pain evaporated, and I dropped my head back. Her skilled hands worked their way back up my thighs to knead my ass and to pull me against her. She swirled her tongue on my clit, dipped it inside my dark heat, then did it all again.
My release began to build, turning my thighs into blazing, trembling fire. She slurped and lapped noisily, all the while letting out little happy sighs as she buried her face in my pussy.
Then she lifted one arm. She never paused in her sensual assault on my clit and my pussy, but she placed her wrist, vein side up, next to my lips.
I could see, hear, and smell the blood in her veins, rushing as feverish and fast as mine.
“Drink,” she demanded, her voice muffled against the soft folds of me.
With a hiss, I grabbed her wrist with both hands and gently sank my fangs into her.
The jolt of arousal was violent. I stiffened, which drove my pussy hard into her face. She stiffened too, her tongue growing hard and still inside me. She mewled against me, and then Ibegan to suck. My lips massaging her skin while my teeth and mouth sucked her blood from her veins brought her tongue back to life and she lapped at me furiously while grunting the rhythm of her desire into me.
Our undoing was fast and explosive.
She was driven over the edge by the mere act of me taking her blood. The warm liquid and the energy of her feral release coursed over my tongue, and I spasmed and convulsed in her face as my own orgasm flooded every nerve ending.
I released her wrist and allowed her to fall back against the chaise lounge, sinking down onto it next to her. Her head lulled backwards, and eyes were closed, but she reached for me and dragged me against her to cuddle lazily in the dark and watch the woman across the room get utterly fucked by a group of masked men.
Chapter 23
Despite the unfurlingof our family within the chaotic walls of Blackmoth House, life for Ren and I settled into an easy, peaceful rhythm. She often stayed either in my bed or with Fane. She spent nights in the garden with us and with Astrid.
One late night, Ren and I lay entwined in a hot bundle of naked limbs in my bed, spent. I thought she had drifted off to sleep until she spoke.
“I think that you should make Fane into a vampire.”