The driver took me to the same dance house where Fane had taken me on the fateful night of my curse. I lingered in the carriage in the alley outside the door for a moment, contemplating just going back home. I was in no shape for a place like this. Not only was I disheveled with grief and in excessive pain, but I wanted to kill as much as I wanted to feed. I had little doubt that I would not be able to control myself if I sunk my teeth into an unwitting soul tonight and they would end in a flutter of black moth’s wings.
But the faint sound of the music drifting out from inside, the sound of laughter, the sound of voices, it drew me inside.
After telling the carriage driver to return to Blackmoth House; that I would find my way home when I pleased, I stole into the dance hall. The place was packed with people in beautiful attire and masks. I felt out of place without a mask, but I was mainly imagining snapping bones and spurting blood as I went on a murderous rampage and hardly thought a mask would matter.
I wondered if my masked stranger was here among the revelers. I didn’t know if I would recognize him. No matter, I would likely just kill him, anyway. Perhaps after letting him give me a good fucking first.
I found my way to a small table on the outskirts of the dancefloor and sunk into a seat. With my spine straight and my hands tucked primly in my lap, I watched the dancers with a stony, impassive face. I was still as a statue. No one would’ve ever guessed I was imagining violently ending their lives, feasting on their blood, and letting the music of their screams make me come. Chaos, pain and hatred boiled inside me and sent my mind into a psychotic frenzy while I looked on, ever stoic and quiet.
It hurt to turn my head and face the voice. But when I saw it was Ren, relief filled me. I launched to my feet and rushed to embrace her.
“Oh Ren! Where have you been? We’ve been so worried about you!” I cried, clinging to her.
“I’ve just been busy. I thought… Your family might need private time.”
I burst into tears.
She backed away from me and frowned, although she was wearing a mask like the one Fane had made me wear here, that partially obscured her pretty face. She wore a lovely purple gown. It was the first I’d ever seen her in anything without long sleeves and a high neck. This instead had a neckline that plunged between her perky breasts. I realized her flawless skin was covered in tattoos. All over her arms, her chest and up her neck; hardly an inch of bare skin was visible.
“Little Doll? What’s wrong, darling?” she asked.
“I didn’t need private time. My family is in shambles. I neededyou,Ren!” I cried, wincing with the pain of raising my voice.
“I’m sorry, Nova. I misread the situation.”
“And what about Fane? Did you not think of him? You abandoned us both. You broke our hearts.”
She clasped her hands and took a deep breath. “First of all, Nova… I thought of Fane. But I thought of you more. It’s always you. Fane is merely a good time, and he knows that. But you…” She reached out and brushed the back of herhand down my tear-soaked face. “Iloveyou.”
I released a sorrowful moan at her words.
“Are you hurting, Little Doll?” she asked. “Your head, I mean?”
“Yes,” I choked.
Ren took my hand. “Come with me, darling. Let’s go where it is darker and quieter.”
She led me through the throng of people. Every time someone brushed or shoved into me, it sparked another thrill of pain in my head. We came to the plain white door, and Ren ushered me inside.
The large dark room was mostly empty now save a group in the corner of one woman with three men pleasuring her. The quiet sounds of their pleasure soothed my pain. A ghostly memory of my brother with the big bosomed woman riding him right in front of the door and right in front of me returned to me and the pain eased a little more.
I became aware of Ren’s icy hand in mine. Her hands were always so cold. Her touch excited me and the pain diminished a tiny bit more.
She led us to a chaise lounge along a wall papered with black floral paper with a golden filigree design woven amongst the flowers and leaves. I glanced at the luscious fabric that upholstered the seat of the chaise and wondered how many people had come in that spot. Howmany people had whimpered, moaned, and screamed in that spot? How many vampires in this place had come here to fuck and feast in that spot?
Ren stood before me, so close that the front of her touched the front of me.
“Nova, I’m sorry,” Ren whispered. “Please forgive me. I had to stay away. I have my reasons. Someday I will share them with you. I just have to ask you to be patient with me… And… To believe in me.”
“I believe in you,” I breathed.
“Does your headache feel a little better in here?” she asked me, her warm breath on my lips.
I nodded. “Yes, a little,” I replied.
“May I try something to help you more?”