Page 3 of Little Doll

A new song began, with haunting, eerie strings mourning and a strange driving beat played by the drums. The song sounded sad and angry but was also fast and pulsating. The masked man swept an arm around my waist and whisked me into the crush of bodies on the dance floor.

Thanks to the extravagant parties my mother had been throwing at Blackmoth House all my life, I was no stranger to music or to dance. My earliest memories were of sneaking to the stairwell in my nightgown, crouching down, and watching the party goers dance. As the parties stretched on into the night, and the revelers partook of free flowing drink, the music got louder and faster and they would dance at a frantic pace.

Once I’d reached adulthood, I hadn’t needed to hide and watch from the darkness anymore. I had been allowed to wear fine decadent gowns and sweep my long black curls up into sophisticated styles and come to the parties and dance. Many a young man had the opportunity to sweep me up into his arms and cavort me around a waxed parquet dance floor over the last several years.

Maybe that’s why I let the masked stranger lead me. It reminded me of a party at Blackmoth House.

Our bodies pressed together as though we were made for each other. I heard a slight grunt from him as he wrenched me against him. My arms slid around him, and my hands crawled up his back. The feel of his hard body moving beneath my fingertips sent a chill up my spine and I gasped. Though the startling mask partially covered his face, his eyes peered down at me sharp and dark.Penetrating.It was like he had access to my inner secrets. See through my clothes. See through my skin. See through my light.

See through to the darkest reaches of me.

The music grew and throbbed and the man spun me mercilessly to the rhythm. The effect of the drink he’d fed me had further set in, and the pace of the place seemed to slow as my mind became murky. Dark and fast, the music perplexed me. It differed from any I’d heard before. As it swelled toward its finish, the man spun me one more time. In perfect rhythm with the final refrain of the song, he dipped me backwards, and we became still with his lips a mere hair’s width from mine. I panted from the exertion and from the proximity of his full lips, which I desperately wanted to lick.

The man’s lips spread into a slow, charming smile. A warm explosion blossomed low in my belly.

The music resumed, now more cheerful, and the man led me to a new spot in this unusual, smoky place.

Chapter 2


Somehow, we madeour way through all the people, and he led me through a plain white closed door. He opened it swiftly, ushered me in, then closed it just as quickly. We stepped into a dark room. It was dizzying stepping into a much quieter place and leaving the party behind the door. But it wasn’t completely quiet here, it was just a different sort of noise.

In only a few feet was the lady with the peacock mask astride a man who was lying on a chaise. Her bodice was open and huge breasts spilled out and bounced as she moved up and down on the man. Her copper hair had come loose and spilled messily around her face and over her creamy, bare shoulders. Her head tipped back, and her full red lips parted as she moaned obscenely. Despite her wealth of silky iridescentskirts, it was still obvious she was grinding herself against the man.

His head tipped back and off the edge of the chaise so that he was looking directly at me, his long black hair falling and reaching the floor. The man smiled broadly, although since I was viewing his masked face upside down, it looked more like a leering frown.

It was my brother Fane.

He stared at me with the impossibly wide grin while grabbing the peacock woman’s waist and moving her up and down. Despite the thumping sound of the music outside the door and the moans and cries of other couples in the room in various stages of undress and pleasure, I still heard him speak to the woman while keeping his eyes trained on me. “Bounce on my cock, love, bounce,” Fane crooned. The woman groaned and moved even faster, yelping each time she slammed down onto him.

I shuddered and jerked my eyes away from my brother, training them back on the masked stranger who’d led me here. I began to think I should rip my hand from his grasp and leave this devilish room, push through the crowd, leave this place altogether.

But tears came to my eyes as I remembered the incident with my father earlier in the evening, and that my life would end the following day. In truth, I was no stranger to romance. To stolenkisses and caresses in the dark, thanks to my mother’s legendary parties. However, it was all ending. Never again would I enjoy the opportunity to choose my own pleasures, my own delights. Never again would I get to choose whose hands I wanted on my body. Who I wanted to kiss. To lick.

To fuck.

A whirlwind of emotions collided with the drink in me, and I became furious. I would let the man lead me wherever he wanted to go.

He took me to another chaise deep inside the room. We passed by at least ten different couples and even trios lost in their own stages of ecstasy. Some rutted silently. Some grunted or groaned. Some moaned sweetly, while others tossed their heads back and screamed.

I wanted to do all of that.

When we reached the chaise, the man stopped, bent down, and crushed his lips to mine. The hard ridge of his mask pressed into my cheek. I parted my lips and pressed my tongue into his mouth greedily. It elicited a deep rumble in his throat.

The man pulled back from me, and, with one fluid motion, he spun me around, so my back was to him. He pressed against me, feeling down my arms with his hands. He smelled like cedar and smoke, and I gasped to breathe him in. The man took my hands and bent me forward, placingthem onto the soft seat of the chaise and pressing his big fingers between mine to splay them.

I felt the back of my long skirt and petticoat jerk up and come to rest on my bent back and the man dragged his hands down my thighs as he yanked down the thin cloth of my pantaloons. The steamy night air hit my flesh, and my legs trembled.

A woman nearby gasped and moaned as a man thrust into her almost violently.

My pulse quickened, and I squeezed my thighs together to cover the mounting heat at my naked core. But the man put his hands between my thighs and pushed them open.

I felt his hot breath on my exposed center. He used his hands to spread my ass cheeks. A moan escaped me, and I shuttered.

I wanted to squirm and glance back over my shoulders and look at him. I wanted to see his half skeletal face near the heart of me, studying me. Touching the soft skin of my thighs and my ass. But I somehow sensed he would not want me to look. I kept myself bent into the position in which he’d placed me.

When his tongue plunged inside me, I arched my back and hissed a long sigh. I threw my head back but still did not look.