Page 29 of Little Doll

She grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

“Good,” I said. “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so well. Now, you remember what I said, right? You’re being very careful?”

Astrid nodded again. She lifted her hand and pointed off in the distance where a Ferris wheelloomed, creaking and turning against the night sky. “I want to ride that!” she said.

Standing tall, I looked at Fane. “I’m terrified of heights,” I told him. “Would you take her?”

Fane gave a sweeping bow, stooped down, and offered his elbow to Astrid. “As you wish, m’lady,” he promised.

I watched as the two of them wandered away through the crowd and then I walked away in another direction.

There was a tent labeled “Funhouse” nearby. I don’t know what possessed me to wander inside, but that’s what I did.

The first room was full of painted wooden statues of creepy clowns. But they were so weathered and faded, it was difficult to find them too amusing. I wove between them and made my way to a dark doorway on the other side of the room.

Next was a room where the walls were painted with wavy black and white lines. The floor slanted different directions, and metal poles that were difficult to see spread from floor to ceiling throughout the room. They forced me to cling to the bars and shimmy around them in order to cross to the next door.

Then I walked into a house of mirrors.

My mind transported me to the moment I last looked into a mirror and watched myself transform into a deformed and beastly monster. Istopped in my tracks and turned to dart out of the room, but I’d already become disorientated.

I couldn’t find my way.

Hysterical tears beaded in my eyes, and I screamed.

Madness crept around the edges of my mind, and I felt I would soon lose control. I darted forward with my eyes pinned shut and ran straight into a wall of cold glass. I turned and started forward again, and again I crashed into the hard mirrors. As I ran about blindly, I felt beaten and battered, repeatedly bouncing backwards and falling roughly to the floor. I cried and begged pitifully to no one.

Except somebody was there.

Strong, warm hands stopped me.

“Fane?” I cried, afraid to open my eyes and see who had me.

A hard body pressed against me, an arm encircling my shoulders and a hand slipping over my eyes. I instantly calmed down and whoever belonged to the brawny arms around me led me out.

Soon I heard the sound of the carnival goers and the night air on my skin soothed and invigorated me once again. The arms around me unhanded me and I spun around and threw my arms around him, my eyes still shut tight.

“Shhhh,” he said, and I felt a warm, soft kiss on my forehead.

When I opened my eyes, I saw it was the handsome knife thrower who had saved me from the house of mirrors. We were standing in a deserted alley behind an apparent service exit of the tent he’d just rescued me from. The sounds of the carnival seemed distant. The lights on the Ferris wheel in the distance twinkled magically. An old, gnarled tree stood resolutely next to us, and the stars glowed in the night sky, visible through its branches.

His arms slid around my waist and a low growl emanated from his throat. I heard the blood pulse in his veins and my body fell weak against his.

He slipped his tongue up my cheek, licking away my tears. “Why don’t you like mirrors?” he asked. “You’re so beautiful.”

My breath came in quick pants. “Afraid of what I’ll see in them,” I whispered, my voice shaking. He watched my lips as I spoke. Then he fell forward, taking my lips hard. He raked his hands into my hair and tugged my head back so he could kiss me deeper, plunging his tongue in and massaging my mouth with it. I whimpered against his hot mouth. The scratching in my head had reached a fevered pitch, and now the maddening noise of it competed with the sound of his rushing blood. I both heard and felt his warm blood rush to his cock as it hardened against me.So hard that I could feel it through my skirt and petticoats.

My hands raced for his trousers, fumbling to unbutton them. I hissed a sigh when my hand found the hot flesh of his hard cock. His blood thrummed in his veins, causing them to pulse and throb in my hand. It was my turn to growl as my heart sped dangerously. I could scarcely draw a breath under the demand of his savage kiss. I ripped my lips away from him and, with a desperate gasp of air rushing back into my lungs; I sunk to my knees before him. I glanced up at him once, quickly, to see his penetrating dark eyes and the slight smile baring just a hint of his teeth.

I took him into my mouth.

“Yeeeeeeessss,” he sighed. His soft exaltation quieted the other noises in my mind slightly and I hummed happily around his cock. He reached down to run his fingers through my hair, then positioned his hands on both sides of my face to control me as he fucked my mouth. He moved his hips slow but hard, grinding into my face. My tongue lapped at the underside of his pulsing shaft even as his tip bumped the back of my throat. I could taste his rushing blood even through his warm flesh. My teeth sharpened and I shifted all my focus toward only letting them lightly graze him and not biting his dick off. He rocked into me, and I became so aroused andlustful for his blood that my eyes fluttered closed and I felt as though I was drifting in a dream.

But then he let out a low roar and yanked me to my feet. He pulled me in for another brief but feral kiss. Then he moved his lips to my ear and whispered, “May I fuck you, beautiful creature?”

My body tremored as a warm wave rolled through me. I grinned at him and scrambled to lift my skirt and petticoats. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

I’d grown to enjoy feeling the air moving against my center all the time.