Page 51 of His Bride

Isaia snickers.

“And you.” Nicoli glances at Isaia.

“What the fuck did I do?” Isaia asks, throwing himself down in an armchair.

“Bought a yellow Ferrari. Need I say more?”

“Caelian, fuck you.”

“Stop.” Nicoli accidentally manages to save Isaia’s life by cutting him and his words off. “Both of you. Shut up.” He rubs a hand over his face. “It’s for safety reasons, and the fewer people who know, the better. Maximo would die a thousand times over before giving them up. And if it’s all I know, that she’s in Italy before the baby’s birth, then it becomes more believable when I’m Alexius.”

I can see that. Makes sense. I still have a slight lingering of a doubt that he’s speaking the truth. This is Mirabella we’re talking about. Nicoli had warded the little girl with the yellow coat since the first day she stepped into this house an orphan.

And what the fuck is it with my brothers and the color yellow?

“Okay, I guess it makes sense. Put them where they’re safe, protected, and no one knows. Not even us, in case the shiteth hits the faneth.”

Isaia scowls. “What?”

“The story is,” I continue, ignoring Isaia, “that you, Nicoli, are at an undisclosed place in Italy? You, Alexius, is here. And Leandra isn’t here because…?”

“She’s in Italy, too, with the kids, taking care of Mom’s business at the vineyard. Alexius—me—couldn’t join because someone has to keep the shit together here.”

I nod. “That’s plausible.”

“Of course, it is.” Nicoli looks confused. “Where the fuck have you been the last few days? We discussed this…at length.”

“Our brother has been a little distracted with his broken heart and all.” Isaia shoots me a cocky grin, and I want to cut it off his face.

“Firstly,” I start, glowering at him, “fuck you. Secondly, screw you. And thirdly, fuck off.”

“Oh, my God, you’re like children.” Nicoli rubs his temples. “Now I know why Alexius seems to want to murder someone half the time. It’s because he does,” he snaps. “You two.”

“Excuse me,” I object. “As if you haven’t been a permanent pain in your twin’s ass. If I remember correctly, you killed a motherfucker in the middle of a parking lot that created a whirlpool of shit on our doorstep that?—”

“That fucker tried to rape Mira!”

I hold up my hand in defense. “I get that. I really do. I would have torn his spine out of his ass if it were me. But my point is, I’m pretty sure he wants to murder you half the time, too.”

“Caelian?” Nicoli mutters.

“Yes, brother?”

“Shut up.”

I raise my eyebrows but don't dignify his command with a verbal response. Instead, I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest, smirking at him.

Isaia looks at us both. “So, I guess the big question is when does Alexius make his big appearance?”

“No fanfare,” I say. Parties, good times, and splashy entrances are my thing. But I also know when not to do shit like that, and when to lay low.

“Well, I’m not planning a party,” Nicoli mutters.

“The three of us are on the same page. Until now, you’ve been home recuperating, mourning, and now the great Alexius is ready to get back into the swing of things.”

“We’ve got work, shipments, meetings, all the fucking bullshit to handle.” Nicoli’s phone chimes, and he merely glances at it before focusing on us again. “There are meetings and arrangements that we’ve let slide. It’s time to pull it all back together, and the moment word gets out that Alexius is back in action, there will be an influx of people who would want an audience with him.”

“You sure you can handle it?” Isaia asks.