“I promise, as soon as you feel how good my cock will be to you, you won’t fight me again.”
“Let go of me!”
It’s like something suddenly possesses him, and he roughly, viciously tears my panties so they’re only around one thigh now. His hands are everywhere, my thoughts are static, and I'm terrified, yet my instincts are screaming at me to survive.
I feel the prickling of adrenaline in every vein, every fiber of my being shouting for me to take action. Any action. And the second he forces me down, bent over the chair, my entire life depends on that one piece of glass.
Everything is happening fast and slow at the same time, like reality is warped into images twisted around the edges.
I hear the sound of his belt buckle, the zip of his pants, a harsh metallic sound that rings straight through me with icy blades.
“The more the fight, the better it’ll be.”
I stretch my arm, gaze aimed at the crystal stem on the floor, reaching, wiggling my fingers, desperate to get to it. Pieces of shattered glass cut into my flesh, but I don’t feel pain. The adrenaline and fear overpower everything else.
The whole world narrows down to a point—my last hope—the gleaming apex of the crystal stem. As he shifts and hovers over me, an animal snarl curling over his lips, there is a burst of determination that zings through every muscle, and I’m able to grab the stem.
I grip it tightly, ignoring the sharp pain as it bites into my skin. The crimson drops of blood that fall onto the marble barely register within my frenzied mind. Instinct takes over and strength flows through me like water, bringing new life to my terrified senses.
In a blur of movement, I twist violently, a scream tearing from my throat as I stab the stem straight into this eye. There's a wet, crunching sound as the glass impales him, blood gushing out and over my hand.
He howls, a gruesome sound that echoes through the room and pierces my eardrums, and staggers backward, the crystal stem protruding grotesquely from his eye socket.
He’s clutching at his face, and I scramble to my feet. My body feels light and heavy all at once, and my heart beats like a drum, the echo pounding in my ears.
I’m about to run when he snags me, and I shriek, grabbing the stem and forcing it deeper into his eye when there’s a sudden jerk, and Caelian appears behind him.
Aurelio stiffens, mouth gaped open with blood rushing out, his one remaining eye instantly glossed over, and I watch as Caelian hacks his blade farther up Aurelio’s back.
Shocked and drowning in adrenaline, I stay there, frozen, my gaze fixed on Caelian as we stare at each other, both of us holding on to the weapons we stabbed into Aurelio.
Blood soaks through my dress, and I feel it trickle down my legs. But I can’t move. I don’t know how.
Suddenly, Caelian wrenches his blade free with a sickening squelch. Aurelio crumples to the floor, blood pooling around him, and the room is silent now, save for my breathing, which starts to hitch, and I shudder as rapid breaths choke me, the air not reaching my lungs.
The world spins, the room begins to tilt, and I’m desperate for oxygen, hyperventilating when Caelian grabs me.
“Look at me.” He cups my cheeks. “New York, look at me. Breathe, okay? Just breathe. You’re safe. Nicoli,” he calls, “she’s going into shock!”
He speaks again, sharp and urgent, as I stare blankly into his eyes.
“New York, breathe with me.” His hands move to my ribs, guiding my breaths. “Breathe. Just breathe. Fuck!”
He slams his lips against mine, and everything stops. The sound of my heartbeat. The rush of adrenaline. The swoosh of blood. Everything grinds to a halt, replaced with a soothing silence, his lips stealing the darkness. And like a tether, he fastens me to him—strong, solid, and a lifeline I can cling to.
Gently, slowly, his lips move over mine, and I soak it all up. The comfort. The warmth. And when he leans back, resting his forehead against mine, he says the words I’ve wanted to hear since this nightmare started.
“It’s over. It’s all…over.”
Chapter 25
Her scream slashed me to pieces.
I was trapped in my worst nightmare—complete darkness and the sound of Giana’s pain.
My heart was bleeding outside of my chest, rage and fear pulsing deep in my bones. I was ready to shoot when I barged into the penthouse, but she was too close to him. I couldn’t risk shooting her, too. But the second I stabbed Aurelio in the back, my eyes focused on her as she forced that glass deeper into his eyes, relief flooded me.