Page 35 of His Bride

“Caelian, let’s take this conversation to the drawing room,” Nicoli urges.

“The drawing room is for guests,” I say then let go of Belucci, my glare still pinning him to the wall. “He is no fucking guest of ours.”

The piece of vermin doesn’t say a word. He just stands there with fear in his eyes, but beneath it is a greedy light, a gleam of cowardice, and it’s all stuck together by pure resentment.

“You want to know the kicker, cocksucker?” I say, wiping my palm down my mouth, barely holding on to my last thread of control. “If this were just you, I’d let you drown in a pool of your own piss. I’d ignore Alexius and his values of runningChicago with a fair hand and always keeping by the rules. I’d fuck decorum up the ass and take your last breath from you with a goddamn smile on my face.” I give him a stern look and slam him back into the wall when he steps forward. “But it’s not just you. And it pisses me off that she’s stuck in the middle of a shitstorm you created.”

“Take your hands off me. We’re family now,” he says in a way that’s just a little too cocky for my tastes.

I get up in his face, pressing my finger into her chest. “You don’t know the meaning of family. The only reason you’re still breathing is Giana. She didn’t and doesn’t deserve this. You do. And you couldn’t be bothered to haul ass out of whatever whore’s bed you were in to check on her.”

“You married my daughter, which makes us family whether you like it or not.”

I grab him and pull him away from the wall, only to slam him back against it again.

“Make no mistake,” I hiss. “The only reason I married your daughter was because my brother gave me no choice, thinking our father would have wanted us to help you. If it were up to me, I would have sent you away with your tail between your legs, left your daughter in New York for Aurelio to grab while I’m sitting on my goddamn porch drinking a single malt while not giving an ounce of a fuck.”

With a jerk, I let go of him and yell, “Now, get out!”

He staggers then rights his coat but makes no attempt to leave. “I know I can’t speak to Alexius, but?—”

“You can,” I snarl. “He’s fine. But he doesn’t want to talk to you. My brother’s allergic to asshole.”

“Please,” he bites out, trying to sound desperate, but there’s a note of mockery in his voice that makes my blood boil. “We have a problem.”

“We? Mine is yours and yours is mine goes as far as your daughter. And she’s currently upstairs, safe and sound.”

“You have to help me. O-our families are aligned now,” he starts.

Nicoli steps up. “And how’s that, old man? You had an arrangement with Giana, and that’s as far as it goes.”

“I need more. You don’t understand.” His eyes move between the three of us, and healmostsettles on Nicoli. Instead, he chooses me.

I guess he wasn’t listening to all the nasty things that came from my mouth and wouldn’t wash off. Either that, or like me, he’s well aware I’m tied to him because of his daughter, and he’d like to rub it in my face some more.

“Cristiano…” the old snake swallows, “he’s in trouble. He’s been threatened by Aurelio again.”

“And?” I ask, pitching my voice low, wanting to put my fist through a wall.

“He’s pushing for an alliance now more than ever. The man knows he’s got the rage of the Dark Sovereign coming down on him after almost killing Alexius.”

“The rumors are exaggerated,” Isaia says. “Alexius is fine, back at work in a few days.”

“Still, he thinks your family is weaker now more than ever, and he’s hellbent on making the most of the opportunity.”

The resentment flashes dark, turning the wild heat of anger up to a pressure-cooker-explosion level in me. “Is that a threat?”

“I’m between a rock and a hard place, Caelian,” the man says. “Of course it isn’t a threat. I’m letting you know where I am. You’re protecting my daughter, but I must protect my son, unless we strengthen our ties.”

“Well, that confirms it. You’re uglyandstupid. Threatening to suck Aurelio’s dick if we don’t play ball with you.”

He holds his hands out like he’s trying to plead. “You misunderstand. This threat isn’t just for me, it’s for you, too. We need to stand together, and you need all the allies you can get. All the power is on your side. Aurelio knows how vulnerable you are. It’s the perfect time to strike at the Del Rossas. We both can gain from a stronger alliance.”

I almost laugh. “So, together we bring down the family you chose to align yourself with years ago, but then pussied out of?”

“He’s going to kill my son!” His voice reverberates against the walls with an echo of desperation. But there is nothing, and I meannothing, this man can say or do that would make me feel an inkling of sympathy toward him.

I don’t say a fucking thing. Not one word. But his? They’re loud in my head. They’re about him, his son, his safety. Then there’s the implied threat. If we don’t play ball and give him what he wants, he might have no option but to team up with Aurelio.