Page 63 of Primal Pursuit

The nosy fucker that I am is itching to find out why she ran. As if Rabbit isn’t interesting enough.

All it takes is a simple phone call to figure out where she works her day shift. Sometimes, it’s more fun to just cut right down to the chase.

I make my way over to Supper, but instead of going in, I opt for the coffee shop across the street and sit outside. I plan to spend some time here, watching her, observing her while she has no clue. Excitement brushes over my skin when I spot her flitting about in a white shirt, tie, and black skirt.

The schoolgirl vibes fucking kill me. Yeah, it’s a uniform. As I said, schoolgirl fucking vibes. I stir sugar into the espresso and wish I had a cigarette. For a moment, I think about getting a pack, but change my mind. It’s a habit I don’t intend to get caught up in. One here and there eases something, but Rabbit’s set off the addictive edge to me, and I’ve smoked more since I’ve met her than I have in the past five years.

I don’t need one. It’s just something to do.

As I scan the area, I notice something.

A car. Without fucking plates. It’s a Toyota, silver, about eight years old, and the kind that’s driven by half the town.

I narrow my eyes, thinking it’s the kind of shitty car I’d use if I was sloppy. Unease trickles through my blood, and casting back through memory, I think I’ve seen it before. Like last night. I wasn’t paying attention, though. There were other things on my mind.

I get up, sliding a hand in my pocket as I cross the street, but the car takes off before I get there. There’s a whole lot of warning prickling the back of my skull, and I don’t fucking like it.

The door to the restaurant opens, and pretty Rabbit is there, her eyes intense as she grits out, “Go away.”

I smirk. “Speak to me like that again, Rabbit, and I’ll fucking drag you inside your place of work and fuck you on the salad bar.” I look her up and down as she shivers, eyes big, lips parting, and lust everywhere on her. Right along with hate. “Who was that?” I ask.

“Who was who?”

“The car?”

“People get in cars all the time. They drive. Now, go away.” She glances back. “Please, Davian.”

I close in on her because I can, because I don’t give a shit if she’s nervous, because I need to smell the roses, oakmoss, and peppery scent of her. “Meet me when you’re done with your shift.”

“Absolutely not.”

I pull her to the side of the building, leaning into her as she rests against the wall. The pulse in her throat works overtime, and I run a finger along it, watching how her breath jumps and hitches and she swoons in a little toward me. Fuck, she’s beautiful.

“This is what we’re gonna do, Rabbit. You’re going to wait for me across the street, under the light.” I point. “No bra. No panties. Like a good whore. And I’m going to pick you up and pay to have my way with you. If you don’t like that, you can fight. See if you can win.”

She hooks her fingers into the buttons of my vest. “And if I disobey?”

“Then I’ll hunt you down, strip you naked, and fuck you senseless in the middle of the fucking street.”

“If I turn up?” Her head is tipped upward, and her mouth is begging to be devoured. I stroke my fingers down her cheek and slip my other hand under her skirt, brushing my fingertips gently against her panties, tracing the outline of her pussy lips.

She moans but doesn’t pull back, and I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, easing her close.

“Turn up, and I’ll make sure your cunt is good and used by the time I’m done. I’ll bring my whip.”

“They both sound like punishment.”

“You love being punished, Rabbit.”

“I want to hurt you, not fuck you.”

“As I said, maybe you can ride my face.”

“Maybe I’ll bring a knife.”

I bring her mouth to mine and steal a long, slow-dance kiss from her, one that melts her into me, or me into her. I don’t know. The only thing I know is her mouth is gorgeous and somewhere that should be declared illegal.

Someone calls her name, and I remove my hand from between her legs, gripping her chin, forcing her to look at me. “I need you to fucking listen to me. That car. Watch your back and remember, you only play with me. No one else. You got that?”