“What’s in the bag?”
“Fingers, eyeballs, feet. And a heart.” I glance at her. “Since I don’t have one, I thought I’d take someone else’s.”
“You’re sick.”
“Won’t argue that. Stop here.”
“Where are we?” Rabbit looks out the window and then at me.
Her head comes up, and she vibrates with a sudden rush of energy. “I’m aware.”
“Give me the keys.”
“Give me the fucking keys.”
She narrows her eyes as she reluctantly hands them over.
“Out of the car, Rabbit.”
“I don’t know where we are.”
“You have a fucking safe word. You canuse it.”
It’s residential, but it is dark and hard to see. We haven’t driven very far, but far enough for it to seem as if the city center is a world away.
This is a different kind of danger, the kind she needs. The danger she thrives on. The fight she wants with a desperation that borders on erotic. The humiliation she craves. And the risk that’s like lifeblood itself.
Besides, watching her from across the street, stalking her, it’s made me hungry for this. The chase, the threat, the beat of her fucking blood as it pumps in her veins.
“If you make it for half an hour without me finding you, my little rabbit will get all the fucking rewards.”
Her gaze touches on her bag before veering to me, and there’s no way she’s fucking taking it. Or her jacket. It’s cool, but one of those unexpectedly warm fall nights. She can have the clothes on her back and the little surprise I brought along.
“But,” I say, “there are rules. Leave your bag, coat, and phone here, walk one hundred steps in any direction then put this on.” I pull the bunny mask out of my bag. It’s pure white, half covers the face, and has long rabbit ears. It’s the type of mask you see in cheap porn movies filmed in a dungeon-like scene. It’s perfect.
Her eyes go wide. “You’re not serious?”
I pull out my own mask—a sleek and shimmering gray-silver creation. A wolf. A predator.
“I’m always serious.” I slip it on, and I swear my little rabbit lights up like a goddamn Christmas tree.
She opens her mouth, takes in my expression, and the pulse leaps wildly at her throat, and she puts on her mask.
My dick goes hard instantly. That rush of the chaseswooshes through me. “Run, Rabbit. Fucking run like your life depends on it. You have five minutes before I come for you. Go. Now!”
Poppy sets her mouth, turns, and jumps out, taking off straight ahead. She doesn’t look back.
I put her shit away, not even bothering to check if the gun in her bag’s loaded. From the weight, it is. I check mine and put it at the small of my back and get out.I take a deep breath.Excitement and anticipation pulses in my veins.I continue with a few breaths to get into the right headspace.
Closing my eyes, I stand still and concentrate.My breathing, my heartrate. I totally tune in to my body and my surroundings.The sounds of the night. The feel of my pulse, the rush of adrenaline. My mask. The mindset of the wolf. The masterful hunter, sleek and cunning.Bloodthirsty and dedicated to its prey.