Page 85 of Primal Pursuit

That’s when he turns and takes me in, brushing my hand away. “Well, fuck me, Stark. I didn’t know stone-cold killers could get so hot for one girl.”

“If you cut us, do we not bleed and murder you in your sleep?”

“That is not the quote.”

“Call it an improvement.”

“I didn’t know you werethatinto her, man. Come on, it’s you.”

“Well, fuck you very much. It’s not like that.” I pause, trying to think what itislike. “It’s just…the hottest fucking sex game I’ve ever played. She’s a natural.”

“Uh huh.”

“When I head out for this job, keep an eye on her. Eye. Not hand. Or cock. Eye. She’s in your parish.”

This time he turns entirely to face me and frowns. “Why?”

“There’s a car that keeps on turning up near her. Non-descript, Toyota, no plates. Silver, about eight or so years old. A very bland and common vehicle. I don’t fucking like it,” I say.

I need a cigarette and bum one from the bartender, knock back my drink, and head outside. Tobias follows.

“How will that work? I can’t demand she come and see me daily until you get back.”

I light the cigarette, and he steals it for a puff. I snatch it back. “Work it out, you cunt.”

“Your girl is very…fiery and stubborn.”

“I know.” And I grin, blowing out a stream of smoke. “She’s the fucking worst. I’m thinking of trying to get her to stay at one of the empty Dark Sovereign places. Fuck, even one of mine.”

“You do realize she wants to kill you?” He takes the cigarette again and inhales deeply. Then hands it back.

“Yeah, I’m aware.”

“Christ, you’re fucked up.”

“Stop taking the Lord’s name in vain.” I shrug. “She probably will come at me with a knife. She did that already, though, so I thinking she’ll use a different weapon next time. Oh, and I fucking made her get a tattoo.”

He’s staring at me, blinking. “You’re fucked up.”

“We have a safe word. She didn’t use it.”

“Well, make sure she doesn’t murder you before you get done with this job.”

Tobias’ phone starts to ring, and he fetches it from his pocket. “Declan,” he answers and nods at me. “Catch you later, fuckface.”

“Asshole priest.”

When he’s gone, I finish the smoke. I guess I should take the threat she holds a little more seriously. I probably do need to find out more about her and her plans beyond trying to kill me. But not tonight.

I start walking, and I catalogue places to take Rabbit, to chase her, and think of other things I can do to her. There’s a part of me that wants to share her, but…I’m not into that, not with her. She’s too delicious to let anyone else sample. Not even a woman eating her out. And the fantasy of sitting her down to watch close up as a woman blows me seems to have lost appeal. For one, she would probably kill that woman. Not that I’m against it, but killing an innocent chick out of jealousy is probably not going to do Rabbit’s psyche any good.

But fuck, the game is so hot I almost can’t stand it.

I want to push her more. That’s the stone-cold truth of it all.

I want to push Rabbit to her absolute limits and then push her some more.

And kiss her.