Page 57 of Ruthless Heir

Better yet… what if I took Beth’s advice and asked Asher for the money I need?

Could I?

This is the first time I’ve truly contemplated asking him. I guess going to the club did a number on me and opened my eyes to all the things I’d have to do to get the money I need if I worked there.

Maybe it would be okay to ask Asher for a loan, and I could just owe him the money instead of Vito. I could work it off and he wouldn’t have to pay me for the PR job. That’s if he picks me.

I walk closer but stop again when I think of what he’d say.

“Irresponsible troublemaker.I thought you’d have better sense than that.”

Those are all things he’s called me.

God, I can’t imagine what he’d say if I told him I didn’t properly check things out on the loan when I signed up for it. I didn’t even look at the interest rate.

Of course, at the time, I didn’t know that Nick was going to be laid off from the music company. Nick knew full well how screwed I would be and that’s why he got the damn loan in my name. And he didn’t care about me.

How do I explain to Asher that love made me blind?

I was so happy I found someone I could trust who wasn’t Asher Le Blanche. Then love made me foolish.

“I need to figure this out, Hunter.” Asher balances the phone on his shoulder while he grabs a beer from the fridge and pops it open. “I want this shit resolved before I get married.”

His tone is so soft I almost miss what he said, but the word that caught my attention pushes to the forefront of my mind.


Is that what he really said?

Yes. He saidbefore I get married.

That’s what I heard.I think…

Surely if Asher were getting married I’d know.Right?

Josh would have said something. Or Asher. I’ve been living with him long enough.

“Father wants the wedding done and dusted by the end of the year so we can start next year fresh.”

Oh God. It’s true.

Asherisgetting married.


The world suddenly feels like it's spinning around and around in my head.

My heart squeezes then it breaks silently in my chest.

I force myself to breathe, to steady the trembling in my hands.

And to wake up and come back to reality.

Asher is gettingmarried, so now the dream is over. All those years of fantasizing about him have come to an end.

What a way to find out.

And no… I can’t ask him for any more help.