Page 154 of Ruthless Heir

“He’s going to pull through, Auntie. I know he is.” Luc’s voice is barely audible.

“Can we see him?” Preston asks.

“Yes, but two at a time and just for a few minutes. I understand you’re all worried but it’s important that Asher has the time he needs to rest and recover without worrying about anyone else. I would advise you all to go home and get some rest after you see him. You can come back first thing in the morning.”

I’m not leaving. I can’t.

The doctor shows us to Asher’s room and I wait my turn to see him.

His parents go in first, then Hunter and Luc. It feels like eons pass when realistically it’s only ten or so minutes.

The moment I see Asher my heart shatters. I gaze at him in the bed attached to so many tubes and machines. He already looks like he’s far away from us. His skin is so pale and there’s no life in him.

God, this shouldn’t have happened to him. It shouldn’t. I can’t believe that just hours ago he was walking around, healthy and able. Now he has forty-eight hours to pull through.

The thought breaks me and I fall apart.

Josh takes me back outside where everyone else is waiting. I’m surprised

they waited for us.

“Sweet girl, you need to go home,” Preston says.

I shake my head. “I can’t leave.”

“You must. You’ve been through a lot, too.”

“It’s my fault. The least I can do is stay.”

“Don’t you dare say that. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I failed to see Nolan Fairchild for the monster he is.” Sadness swells in his eyes and a tear runs down his cheek. “Please go home and get some rest. If Asher was able to talk he would say the same thing.”

I want to answer him but my voice is stuck in my throat. More tears come. I can’t hold them back.

“Take her home Josh.” Hunter steps up. “We can all come back first thing in the morning.”

Josh nods and ushers me away.

I’m glad we don’t go back to that horrible hotel but head to Asher’s place instead—home.

While Josh fills Olga and the other members of staff in on what’s happening, I go to Asher’s room.

Since we’ve been together I’ve hardly slept in my room. Now I lie in his bed seeking comfort in the scent of his sheets. They smell like him. The whole room does, so it feels like he’s here.

I close my eyes and imagine that he is. It’s the only thing that soothes me.

When I open my eyes the sun is spilling through the window and I realize I fell asleep.

Josh has his hand on my shoulder. He woke me up.

“Hey.” There’s a rasp in his voice.

“Is there any news?”

“No. It’s seven. I was thinking if we leave in half in hour we could beat traffic.”

“I’ll be ready.” I sit up and run my hand through my hair.

“How are you feeling?”