“Open the case,” Vito orders.
I hold it out and flick it open, revealing the rows of bills stacked neatly together.
“It better all be there.”
“Do I look like the kind of man who would play with his girl’s life?” I risk glancing at Harper. She looks at me, too and tears stream down her cheeks.
“That’s what makes you so good.” Nolan pipes up. “Always the boy scout.”
Fuck.I can’t fucking stand this.Josh, what are you doing? When are you going to give me the signal? What even is the damn signal?
He said I’d know it when it happens.
“Close the case,” Vito orders.
I close it and he takes it from me.
“Give her to me.”
“There’s actually been a slight change of plan.”
Here we fucking go. This is the trap.
“Surely you didn’t think we were going to just allow you to walk away, did you?”
“I hoped you would. I guess you’re not.”Come on, Josh.
“Nope.” Vito raises his gun and cocks the hammer. It makes aclick-clacksound.
Harper mumbles against her gags, pleading for me and crying harder.
“Say goodbye?—”
He doesn’t get to finish the sentence. A bullet lodges in his head and he drops to the ground with blood pouring from the wound.
I take that asthesign and rush to get Harper but Nolan and the guards are already jumping into action.
“Take her away!” Nolan orders.
One guard tries to drag her away but a bullet takes him down. And when the other guard tries to grab her, she runs.
Nolan swings a punch at me, connecting with my jaw, but I feel nothing. I unleash and send a round of punches his way which knocks him to the ground. I lunge myself on top of him and continue pummeling his face.
He’s still holding the fucking gun. I try to get it away from him but he’s gripping it like a vice.
Bullets sound around me and I realize that the other guard is shooting at Harper.
Fuck.I need to get to her.
I amplify my punches, giving Nolan all I have until his face is a bloody mess and he finally passes out.
I grab the gun from him and look for Harper and the guard. I spot her hiding behind the column across from me and the guard rushing toward her.
I shoot him in the chest and another bullet comes from the left to take him down.
Seeing the way is clear, I run as fast as I can toward Harper. I’m almost with her when the sound of harsh laughter stops me.
I whip around to find Nolan standing between us. And he has Vito’s gun.