That shuts him down even though he looks like he wants to argue.
“It doesn’t matter. We’ll find a way to pay him back, then we’re done.”
“What do you mean bydone?”
“You won’t see him again. I promised both our parents on their deathbed that I would look after you. So I will.”
“This is not looking after me.”
“Yes, it is.”
I can’t talk to him when he gets like this. He’s only hearing what he wants to hear and his mind is already made up.
“Make yourself comfortable. We’re going to be here for a few days. I’m going to get you some clothes.”
I don’t bother to tell him that I have enough clothes to open my own store back at Asher’s.
“I’ll grab some food, too,” he adds. “What do you feel like eating?”
“I love Asher. I love him. I never told you that I loved Nick. Not once. Everyone, including me, assumed that I loved him. Maybe I did. Maybe I tried to because I could never have who I truly wanted. But I am telling you now that I love Asher and I know he loves me, too. You know you’ve taken this too far.”
“I’m going back to Asher tomorrow evening.” I keep my voice firm, although he stares back at me openly surprised.
I need him to know that I only came with him to reason with him. I’m not going to allow him to take charge of my life the way he said he would. I know I’ve made mistakes and have landed myself in more trouble than most, but every time I fall I pick myself up off the ground and keep going, stronger than I was before.
I’m different now. Different from the sister he left behind months ago. I need him to know that. “Things are different for me now. I have a different life and I’m happy with Asher. I’m happy withhim, Josh. Surely that must count for something. I know you’d want happiness for me.”
“Of course I want you to be happy.”
“Then you must know you’re wrong.”
“I was desperate when I left you with Asher. This job opportunity came up and I knew it was going to change everything for me. It already has. That’s why I left you with him.”
“But if he’s the person you’re trying to make him out to be now, you wouldn’t have done that.”
“That was before I knew he was going to make a move on you while I was away. And how convenient for you two to be together while I was in a submarine.”
“Maybe that’s just how things worked out so we could be together. I’ve made my choice. I’m going back to him tomorrow evening. I hope we can talk about this properly before then and you can see things from my side and remember that Asher is likea brother to you. Please don’t make me choose between the two of you. You have been my rock and such a good brother to me. I love you with all my heart. But I won’t let you stop me from being with the man I love.”
The ache in my heart worsens when Josh doesn’t answer. The knife twists deeper when he turns and walks away, leaving me feeling torn.
It’s ten o’clock at night when I hear Josh come in.
I’ve been lying in the uncomfortable bed in my room which feels no better than the little slab I had in the jail cell in Massachusetts.
I came in here earlier when watching TV could no longer distract me.
I’ve no phone to call anyone. I left my phone and purse behind at Asher’s. And the phone in the suite won’t call out unless Josh authorizes it—I tried.
All I could get was room service, which I did because I was hungry.
I get up, hoping that Josh and I can talk in a more reasonable manner.
When I open the door I smell food. It’s Chinese.
I make my way out to the little kitchenette where I see a small carton of food has been placed on the counter.