“Two more interviews, then I’ll get a temp,” Layla replies. “We just need someone who can handle basic PR stuff.”
They’re talking about a job.
“I need someone who can deal with the press when they ask them shit about whatever scandal they heard about me. I don’t want someone who needs toclearit with me first.”
What idiot did that?Saying something like that just makes him sound guilty. More importantly, I’d know exactly what to say.
I reach the door but they don’t see me. So I use the opportunity to get a better look at them.
Asher is standing by his desk looking stressed and Layla is gorgeous—of course, she is.
Sitting with her legs crossed, she looks like a glamorous 1920’s painting, with her fashionable bob, vibrant red business dress, heels, and lips to match.
Asher looks my way and shock registers on his face when he sees me. Layla notices me next.
“Harper?” Asher says my name as if he’s checking it’s really me.
“Hi.” I do my best to summon confidence by pasting a smile on my face. Then an idea comes to me that will be my make-or-break moment. “I would have saidno comment.”
“What?” His gaze narrows.
“If the press asked me shit about whatever scandal they heard about you and you hadn’t provided me an agreed answer, I would say I can neither confirm nor deny any allegations.” I try to remember some of the on-the-go tips I learned when I had to work for Nick’s company. “You’re not legally obliged to answer any press-related questions if you don’t want to. If they pushed back I would politely repeat the same answer. If they became overly aggressive or insistent I wouldpolitelyend the call. Of course there’s also the threat of reporting them to the authorities for harassment if they continued to call.”
The surprise on Asher’s face morphs into full-blown shock while Layla smiles at me.
“Asher, who is this gem of a girl and where have you been hiding her?” Layla beams.
I walk into the office and over to her. “I’m Harper St. John.”
I extend my hand to shake hers and she stands to give me a firm handshake. “Your Josh’s sister?”
“Yes. That’s me.”
“I’m Layla Bianchi, Asher’s assistant.Andhis sister in law’s sister.” Her eyes gleam with warm approval of me.
“Great to meet you.”
“What are you doing here, Harper?” Asher asks in that gruff voice again, returning my attention to him.
“I wanted to thank you for my car. It’s beautiful. I absolutely love it.” I give him a grateful smile. Talking about the car first should smooth things over.
“You’re welcome, but somehow I don’t think that’s all you came here for.” He raises his dark brows.
“No.” I bring my hands together and lace my fingers. “I also wanted to apply for the assistant PR position.”
The sullenness that settles in Asher’s expression is enough to make me turn around and walk back out the door. I would do just that if I weren’t desperate.
That desperation roots me to the spot, encouraging me to stick around and argue my case.
Asshole.Now he’s looking at me as if I couldn’t be worse for the job.
“You have PR experience? It sounds like you do.” Layla steps in, saving me from Asher’s death glare.
“Yes. I helped out a company who managed rock bands. I didn’t actually have a role but I picked up a lot of stuff. There was a summer where I had to fill in for one of the publicists. It was when Red Viper took off. I’m a quick study, so I can learn whatever I need to learn.” That’s all I got. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. And I think I just might have Layla on my side.
“Red Viper! I love them,” she gasps. “They’re one of my favorite rock bands.”
“Working here would not be like that.” Asher cuts in, his arctic tone stealing the momentary warmth I felt from Layla’s excitement.