Hunter and Layla stand together by the head of the table and watch us. Nolan appears to want to speak in private but I stay right where I am.
Whatever he has to say to me can be said in front of Hunter and Layla. I’m not allowing him the chance to piss with me then lie about it later.
“What’s up?” I give him a crude smile.
“I understand you have a problem with me.”
“The way I heard it it’syouwho has the problem with me.”
“Who did you hear that from?”
Clever answer but very stupid. “I saw something with my own eyes.”
“I can assure you that whatever yousawwasn’t done with any ill will toward you.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
“I’m looking forward to working together. This is a big break for my family’s company. I wouldn’t like any disagreements between us to mess it up.”
“Let’s cut the shit, Nolan. I know you were behind the scandal.”
“What makes you say?—”
“Don’t do that.” My voice is a notch lower than a shout.
That shuts him up. He knows I wouldn’t call him out on something like that if I didn’t have evidence. His problem is he doesn’t know what I have. At the same fucking time the asshole also knows that I don’t have anything solid to prove the extent of his guilt, or his ass wouldn’t be allowed in the building.
I lean forward, aware that Hunter is giving me one of his warning stares. He’s worried I’m going to snap and go for Nolan’s jugular.
“We can work together just fine and life will be good for your family’s company and mine. But don’t fuck with me.”
Nolan grins as if I just told a joke. “I think you fuck with yourself enough, don’t you? There’s no wayIwould screw around with women the way you do and tarnish my family name.”
“Hey,” Hunter cuts in.
“It’s okay, Hunter.” I give him a brief glance then look back at Nolan. “Perhaps you should worry about yourself instead of me,Nolan. I would if I were you.”
“And I will.”
“Good. It looks likeNolanand I have an understanding now. So in future, if he thinks it’s a good idea to hire people to watch me again, he knows I’ll fuck him up.”
I didn’t come here to play nice today. I came to play smart and Nolan landed in my trap by wanting tospeakto me. What an idiot. If I were him I would have laid low. Not confronted the beast when he’s all fired up.
Now he can run home to his mommy and daddy and tell them what I said.
“Let’s meet during the week and discuss the next steps,” he says, ignoring my threat.
“Of course. Either Layla or I will be in touch.”
“Wonderful.” With a stiff smile he walks out, trying to keep his head up.
I don’t know what the hell he thought I was going to say to him but I can tell the conversation didn’t go as he expected.
People make the mistake of thinking that I’m passive because Hunter usually takes the lead, but that’s one mistake Nolan will never make again.
“Asher, you need to be more careful.” Hunter speaks in a low warning tone.
“Are you kidding, Hunter?” Layla cuts in. “That guy is a major asshole.”