Father sits at the head of the sleek, glass conference table as usual, but I notice Nigel and Nolan have strategically placed themselves on my father’s left.
Nolan is in my seat. Father always has Hunter and me on either side of him. That’s okay. I’ll let that slide.
“Morning, all,” I say only for my father’s sake. I’ve realized that he’s the one I need to keep things sweet with.
I don’t have to worry about Hunter because he’ll always be on my side. As for the other two, I don’t care. Nigel and Nolan can fuck themselves.
“Morning, son,” Father replies, seeming more like his usual self even though I detect a hint of reservation in his tone.
Nigel and Nolan nod at me. The two—and Portia—remind me of the Lannisters inGame of Thrones. Both father and sonare as twisted as the TV show characters and even have a similar appearance with their light blond hair and lean build.
I look away from them and move to sit next to Hunter, who seems pleased with my pleasantries. He knows I’m just playing the game.
Layla rushes through the door after me. She’s taking the minutes for the meeting.
“Morning, everyone. I hope I’m not late.” She beams, cutting me a glance to which I shake my head.
“Not at all, dear. Take a seat.” Father points to the chair next to Nolan.
He’s fond of her because she can multitask with pretty much everything. I also think he considered her as an option for me right up until she started dating the son of one of his top clients and we all saw how well suited they were.
Her freshly-cut dark bob bounces as she makes her way over to sit with her little notepad. Unfortunately, the moment she sits Nolan's eyes move straight to her tits.
Layla is not a woman you mess with, so she spots his ass straight away then checks him with a tight-lipped smile that saysI’ll rip your face off if you look at me again.
The fool gets the message and looks away but then he focuses back on me.
That’s fine, too. We can do this silent war dance all he wants. Let him think he has me where he wants me in my own company.
What he doesn’t realize is that people like me observe, then plan for those who think they can fuck with them, and obliterate everything in their path.
“Okay, now that we’re all present let’s start,” Father says and all eyes go to him. “The transfer of ownership of Vivitron was finalized this morning. I’m proud to say that Le Blanche Global now owns Vivitron as intended by my dear friend ArchieBlackstone. We are always expanding but owning Vivitron carries substantial weight because of the success it already enjoys. With that said we need to talk about logistics and who will be responsible for what.”
“Are we bringing them into our development pipeline or keeping them separate?” Hunter asks.
“We need to integrate them. But within a timeframe that allows all of us to get used to the new changes. We need their talent and I don’t want to change too much about their processes, but they need to adapt to our culture. That's why I think Asher would be best placed working with Nolan. You both have the financial analytical skills to make sure everything runs smoothly with no hiccups.”
I want to remind him that I don’t need Nolan for anything because I’ve managed larger projects all on my own but I hold back and dip my head in agreement.
“I’m sure we can work together. Can’t we, Nolan?” I level him a hard stare.
“Certainly.” He smiles back but I see straight through his fakeness.
“Wonderful. I think we should spend the rest of the meeting discussing the implementation plans.”
I half listen for the rest of the meeting, my mind splitting between what my father is saying and my own plans.
The only thing I can do right now is watch Nolan. If shit is going to happen it will start with him. Nigel is too careful to slip up. He also has more years on him to have perfected the art of manipulation.
That said, he doesn’t have to do much when it comes to my father. They grew up together so my father has that extra layer of trust he wouldn’t show any old person.
The meeting ends after two hours and my father closes it on a positive note.
He and Nigel head out first but Nolan hangs back, looking like he wants to speak to me.
“A quick word, Asher,” he says, keeping his hawk eyes fixed on me as I stand.