Page 81 of Head Over Skates

“I thought Cyrus would like them. I can always make you more.”


She smiles as I press my mouth on hers, my lips grazing against her teeth. “I’ll get back to you on that.”

Reluctantly, I pull away, but only because my stomach is growling.

“Let’s eat before we’re late. I want you to wait for me at Borders, then I’ll go with you to the jail. Okay?”

“To protect me?” She gives me an exaggerated eye roll.

“No,” I say gently. “To support you. I know you can protect yourself.”

She blinks, surprised and gratified. “Thank you. That means a lot. But I’m afraid waiting for you to visit Nancy will run into my other appointment.”

“Other appointment?” My mind races. What kind of appointment? The doctor? Is she sick? Or… Do women, by chance, visit the doctor when they’re ready to start having babies? No. Don’t be ridiculous. That’s just wishful thinking.

Emily smiles shyly, like she’s got a little secret, but is too embarrassed to say. “Well, I was going to wait to tell you just in case things fell through…”

I hold my breath. She wants babies. I know it.

“But… I’m going to see my old coach this afternoon.”

What? Her coach?

I try to keep my face neutral. “Oh?”

“We’re going to discuss if I’m too old to compete in the singles program. I never stopped training on my own, so I’m not out of shape but…” She looks to the floor.

I cup her chin and lift her head. “Look at me, Kitten. You’re twenty-four. That’s not old.”

“Olympic skaters are teenagers. I’m ancient by comparison. I dunno. There’s always curling.”

Her eyes well up, but I press my lips on each of her cheeks to catch the tears. “Your coach wouldn’t want to see you if he didn’tthink you had a chance. Let’s just see how your meeting goes today. That’s all you have to do right now.”

“Thank you.”

“And if it comes down to it, I know you’d be the best curling champion there ever was. Also the sexiest.”

She gives me a sarcastic stare. “Okay, what do you want?”

“What? Nothing!”

“You call me sexy when you want something. Is it the biscuits?”

I pause, putting on my thinking face. “Are biscuits a euphemism for something else? If so, then yes.”

“Dork.” She shakes her head and marches briskly back to the kitchen, but my hand catches hers and I spin her back around, dipping her body halfway to the floor. Yeah, I’ve been watching figure skating videos. Sue me.

“Only because I love you,” I say cheekily and plant a kiss squarely on the lips.

She stiffens, then blinks at me, open-mouthed.

“What did you just say?”

Oops. I just spooked her. Backtrack!

I smirk crookedly, then lower her to the floor, leaving her stunned as I stand over her body. She lifts herself to her elbows, and for a moment, I think I should just postpone my appointment with Gywn and have a little therapy at home with Emily. But I am a dork. She’s right about that. So I step over her, ready to walk away. I take one step, then her legs sweep under me, tripping me from behind. My ass hits the floor, and then she’s on top of me, poking me in the ribs.