Page 9 of Freeing Emily

Loud cries and screams boom through hidden speakers in the room. I slam my eyes shut and try to focus on anything other than their painful wails that cut through my ears like hot knives.

I gasp as ice-cold water is doused onto my body. The men laugh loudly when I begin to shiver and my teeth chatter violently.

“There’s your nice drink of water,” Igor sneers then turns around and leaves the room.

One of the other men grips my jaw tightly and I whimper from the rough handling. He twists my face, forcing me to meet his black eyes and dread overtakes me.

“I’ll be seeing you after this is all done,” he purrs and shoots me a wink before he slams his lips against mine.

I curl in my lips as best as I can and choke down the bile that threatens to spill. He brutally squeezes my cheeks causing my mouth to part and shoves his tongue down my throat. The rancid taste of stale cigarettes invades my mouth and I gag.

Tears stain my face when he finally releases his hold. His palm connects with my cheek when he pats it in condescension.

His boots thud against the floor when he retreats. The slam of the door shutting ricochets off the walls, and I’m clouded in darkness with nothing but the sounds of those experiencing unbearable torture to keep me company.

The screams have long since faded into the background. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough that I can make out the outline of the door in front of me. I feel defeated. Hopeless. I’m left isolated for days at a time with little to no human interaction. It’s agonizing.

Each day of isolation becomes harder and harder to survive. It’s becoming more challenging to decipher what thoughts are truly mine and what are those that the demons feed me.

“You’ll find a way back home,mo stór. Just hold on.” My da’s gentle voice drifts around me like a caress and my lips quiver.

“I don’t know how much longer I can hold ondaid.” My voice cracks. “I’m just so tired.”

“Fight, Emily. You need to fight.” His voice is firm.

“I’m not strong enough,” I whisper.

“You’re my daughter. You’re strong beyond words.”

A sob breaks from my lips. “I’m scared.”

I swear I can feel the ghost of his hand stroking my hair. It’s as painful as it is comforting.

“It’s okay to be afraid,mo stór. Just don’t give up hope.”

He’d be disappointed if he knew that hope disappeared from me a long time ago. How can anyone maintain any semblance of hope in a place like this?

“I’ll try.” I lie.

After spending two days strapped to the chair, covered in my urine, I was hauled out and tossed into the communal showers with the other women. I saw Paige, who looks as decayed as I feel.

We weren’t able to provide each other with any sort of comfort. Not after the days we’ve spent away from each other. We’ve essentially become mute. Hiding in the recesses of our minds; only I’m not alone in mine.

Paige’s skin is becoming more and more damaged as time passes. Her already small frame has become skeletal, and it makes me fear how much longer she has before succumbing to the inevitable death that awaits us.

My dad’s spirit pushes me to remain hopeful. To keep holding on. But there is a thin line between being optimistic and utterly pathetic. I’ve toed that line for far too long and I’m beginning to step over it.

The metallic scent of copper invades my nose as soon as I push the door to Declan’s cellar open. Grunts and curses accompany the sounds of instruments clinking on the metal table. The energy in the air causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand erect. Declan comes into view and he stands shirtless above his victim. Every surface of his skin is coated in blood. His shoulders rise and fall in sync with the deep pants he releases.

He's a scary motherfucker and I don’t ever want to find myself on his bad side.

Then stay away from Emily.

Each stolen glance in her direction takes my breath away. She’s beautiful beyond words. She carries herself with such unconscious grace. She is always offering sweet smiles to the staff that work tirelessly throughout the mansion.

When she speaks, her soft and sweet voice flows to my ears like a gentle melody that I wish I could record and replay over and over.

Declan rolls his neck, eliciting loud popping sounds. Looking over his shoulder, he nods in greeting when he sees me enter the room.