Page 118 of Freeing Emily

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She smiles and shakes her head. “Nothing.”

I peer down at the journal, and she moves to hand it to me. “Read it.” She says.

I take the journal from her hands and turn it toward me. “What is it?”

My eyes roam over the words and my heart expands in my chest while also cracking. I swallow the emotions that squeeze my throat and blink away the burn in my eyes.

Settling the book aside, I cup Emily’s face with my hands.

“You are my home too,Féileacán.”

She buries herself into my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

“I have a surprise I want to show you. I think you’ll love it.” I say when she pulls away. “Get ready, baby. We’re going to Central Park.”

I swipe away the tears on her face and kiss her gently. When she stands and heads toward the ensuite, I ready myself to go.

We walk through Central Park until we reach the conservatory.

“What are we doing here?” Emily asks, tugging lightly at my hand.

I check the time and smile when there are only five minutes left until her surprise will be revealed.

“Come on,” I pull her with me as we move toward the open garden where a crowd has gathered.

Emily furrows her brow and glances around. She pauses when she sees a group with some covered cages.

“Liam?” she whispers.

I smile at her reassuringly and squeeze her fingers. “Just watch. You’ll love it.”

A young woman steps in front of the group and clasps her hands.

“Thank you so much for coming to our butterfly release.”

Emily sucks in a breath and her head whips to me before she returns her attention back to the woman. She goes on to talk about the importance of butterflies and their contribution to the ecosystems they reside in.

She gestures for the other men and women in her group to step forward. They lift the cages and move to her side. Emily’s hand tightens around mine when they unveil the butterflies under the cover.

The crowd loudly counts down from ten. When they reach one, the cages are opened from the top and hundreds of butterflies escape into the sky.

I have no words.

Releasing Liam, I step forward as butterflies surround us. Tears spring into my eyes and my lip trembles as they fly up and up.

Everything and everyone fades into the background. It’s just me and these marvelous creatures. Their variety of colors are a kaleidoscope in the sky sending my heart into absolute bliss.

I still when one flies close. Slowly, I lift my hand and it lands on my forefinger. A shaky smile spreads over my face and I feel the warmth of my tears sliding down my cheeks.

After a while, the butterfly gently lifts from my finger and flies away.

I hold my arms out to the sides and slowly spin with my head tipped back. A laugh climbs up my throat and I let it flow out of me.

My chest feels light. My heart sings with happiness and awe.

Closing my eyes, I allow the feeling to drift through me.