Page 114 of Freeing Emily

Shaking my head, I chuckle and push him. He stumbles and barks out a laugh.

He sobers and smiles warmly at me. I return the gesture. “I love you, Em.”

“I love you too, Declan.”

The sound of footsteps coming down the hallways pulls our attention. Rhys steps into the kitchen and pauses when he sees me and Declan.

“What’s up?” Declan asks, turning to fully face him.

Rhys hikes his thumb over his shoulder. “I was heading out to the docks to check the newest shipment.”

“I’ll come with you.” He says before turning toward me. “Do you mind checking in on Paige in a little while? She’s sleeping right now.”

“Of course,” I say with a nod.

They both kiss my forehead and leave.

I knock and then step into Paige and Declan’s room. Paige is sitting on the bed with her knees drawn to her chest and her chin resting on her knees. She glances at me as I enter the room. Her hair is a mess, and she has dark bags under her eyes.

“Hey,” I whisper, giving her a small smile.

“Hi,” she mumbles.

“Doing okay?”

She shakes her head then shoves her face into her knees. Her shoulders shake when she begins to sob.

I sit on the mattress and pull her into my arms. She buries her face into my chest and clutches my shirt.

“I don’t want to be sad or cry, Emily.” She croaks.

And that’s all I seem to feel and do.

“How have you been so positive?” she asks, swiping at the tears that stain her face.

“I’m not.”

Her face rises from my chest, and she furrows her brows in question. “What do you mean?”

I sigh and lie back on the pillows. “When we were first rescued, I know that I seemed so okay and that I was doing great.” I huff a humorless laugh “At least until I was sent to the hospital.”

I turn to face Paige. “I haven’t been okay in a long time. But I’m getting better.” She nods and then lowers her eyes to the blanket.

“I’ve been so mad at the world and what happened to me, I didn’t want to feel anything else.”

My eyes trail over the scars that cover her body and the small one on her cheek. The scar on my thigh begins to heat.

“Declan said you’ve been writing?” I ask, pulling her attention away from the blanket.

“I have. And honestly, it’s been surprisingly liberating to get those feelings out.”

A grin spreads over my face, and I lean forward, setting my hand on her thigh. “That’s awesome, Paige. I think we both deserve to be liberated.”

I spend the rest of the afternoon with Paige until Declan returns from the docks.

“Liam is looking for you. He’s outside.”

I nod and leave after giving Paige a hug and a kiss on the cheek.