Page 110 of Freeing Emily

“Are you leaving?”

I shake my head despite her not looking at me. “Never.”

Just as he said, Liam hasn’t left my side since I was brought to the hospital. The doctors have kept me on fluids and the groggy, fuzzy feeling I was experiencing has since gone away.

When they questioned me about my motives, the only person who didn’t look at me with pity was Liam. There was nothing but understanding and love in his eyes.

During the time that I’ve been here, Declan has had my and Liam’s belongings moved to our new home. Everything I felt when I was informed of what they planned for me was negative.

I know they’re doing what they think is best for me, but my mind and heart are at war with what I believe should be happening.

I didn’t mean to take the amount of medication I did. I just wanted all the noise to stop. I wanted the peace that they bring because I truly believed that was my only option.

My stash was found during the moving process and Liam, Declan, and Rhys were livid. Declan yelled of course, Rhys was angry but didn’t speak to me, and Liam… He was more hurt than anything.

That broke me more than anything.

I failed him.

I failed myself.

I failed everyone.

But what did they expect me to do?

Everything inside me was screaming for an escape and I found it.

The pain I saw in his eyes was too much that I couldn’t look at him for the rest of the day.

A knock comes from the door and Dr. Nelson steps into the room. “Good morning, Emily. How are you feeling today?” he says with a grin.

Liam stands from the couch and steps to my side, setting his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m okay.”

“Are you ready to go home?” he asks, studying my chart.

“I think so,” I reply while picking at my cuticles.

He glances at my hands for a moment before meeting Liam’s eyes. When his gaze finally lands on mine, he smiles warmly with a tilt of his head.

“My colleague is going to be coming in to check your vital signs and your physical health. When that’s finished and she’s cleared you, we’ll get you set up to get out of here. How does that sound?”

“Good. That sounds good. Thank you.”

With a final smile, Dr. Nelson leaves the room.

“I’m going to head down to the cafeteria for some coffee. Do you want me to bring you anything?” Liam asks. I turn toward him and silently shake my head.

He kisses the top of my head and then leaves the room.

The weight of the room becomes heavy, and I struggle to breathe as the air thickens.

What is happening?

The atmosphere fills with sadness and tears well in my eyes. My heart begins to race, and my palms become sweaty. I don’t know what is happening to me.

It feels as though these feelings aren’t my own. Like my body is no longer mine.