Three hours later, she was praying for clouds.
“Freaking slave driver.”
Derrick laughed and dropped his hands on her arms, rubbing in more sunscreen while at the same time pressing so perfectly on her muscles he dragged a groan from her lips. “Nathan’s not a bad guy. Not when it comes down to it.”
She gave him the evil eye. “You’re not the one doing one-hand hangs for half of eternity here, dude.”
“Yeah, yeah, life sucks, doesn’t it, sweetheart.”
She swung at him, and he ducked, grabbing her around the waist and twirling her in a circle until she shrieked with laughter. “Put me down, oh my, Derrick, stop it.”
Nathan peeked from behind his tripod, broad grin firmly in place. “Okay, recess is over, children. Time to get back to work.”
Melanie gave him her middle finger, then stuck out her tongue. He retaliated by snapping a picture, and she rolled her eyes. “You did not take a picture of that.”
“Got one of you flipping me the bird as well. I think I’ll blow it up to portrait size and give it to your parents for Christmas.”
She stuck her fists on her hips. “Hey…”
He clicked off another shot and she gave up.
Melanie spun on the spot and returned to the rock where they were bouldering, her chin held high, letting her hips wiggle as she walked.
She couldn’t believe it. Aching muscles or not, she was having the best time ever. It was like a flashback to her climbing days. Joking around and just hanging out with her buds. Nothing serious to accomplish and lots of new routes to try.
While he’d made her pose and not simply lounge around camp, Nathan had been pretty low-key about the whole picture-taking thing, compared to how closely he’d directed them back in the climbing gym. She’d even forgotten he was there as she and Derrick worked one section of the new route—arranging where they had to touch in order to go along the same path. Following a route had always been her favourite climbing activity.
This afternoon, she and Derrick were bouldering. No ropes, nothing farther off the ground than six or seven feet—low enough to stop her anxiety levels from flaring. Just a wonderful, tough physical challenge.
They’d started at the bottom edge of the huge rock, where a section of the base had caved away years ago. The first hand and footholds they chose placed them face up toward the overhang, butt and back only twelve inches off the crash mat they’d brought with them for safety.
If she fell making the first moves, she wouldn’t fall far. And she had lost her grip, a couple times, until she’d figured out how to use the proper leverage to get around the corner and cling with her fingertips to a protrusion that had barely enough space for two fingers. That allowed her to use her stomach muscles, haul up one leg to a hold, cantilever herself to the side and finally make it to the vertical wall to work the next section.
Nathan cut in. “Hurry up, guys. I’ve got all the pictures I need of you on that hunk of rock. How about getting to the new territory?”
Melanie wrinkled her nose at him. “It’s not as easy as it looks, Nathan.”
He shrugged. “Whatever.”
Oh really?His smirk lit a spark inside—one that wanted to challenge his cocky grin. She had aches in all the right spots, her muscles nice and warm. Melanie paused as she realized she hadn’t thought about her scars once in the last couple hours, not even when she’d heated up enough she’d stripped down to her sports bra. The rush of excitement that washed over her made the dare burst out. “I bet you can’t do it.”
He lowered the extra camera he’d been playing with while waiting for them to carry on. “You’ve made all of three moves, monkey. Not like it’s a huge challenge yet or anything.”
“Oh, brother, are you in for it now…” Derrick muttered.
Melanie set her fists on her hips and smiled sweetly. “Put your money where your mouth is. I bet you can’t do this route, not even if we show you an easier way.”
Nathan sneered. “I’ll offer chocolate if I can’t.”
Oh God, he was so going down.
“Right this way.”
Derrick stepped aside and Melanie gestured Nathan forward. He crawled under the overhang willingly and grabbed the handholds.