“Six months?”
Colette was too focused on Lyle to notice Ariana’s nervous tone. “He’s worried about my health, but I’ve been sleeping well, eating right, exercising. Taking off that much time from work is unnecessary, don’t you think?”
Jasmine and Ariana exchanged looks, but neither answered.
“And I can cut back on my hours. Or take Polara into the office like Dad did with us.”
“You don’t have to make any decisions about that now,” Jasmine said and switched topics. “Have you had visitors come by to see Polara, like your mom, Estelle? This is her first grandchild, right?”
Colette’s face went blank. “Yes, it’s her first grandchild, and no, she hasn’t visited.” She brushed her finger over Polara’s cheek as she said, “I left a message letting her know I gave birth. She didn’t return my call, but she sent diamond earrings, a piece of art, and a piggy bank.”
From Ariana’s startled expression, this was news to her as well.
“Diamond earrings?” Jasmine asked. “Are they an heirloom?”
She raised her brows at Colette’s curt tone. “And what’s this piece of art?”
“Apparently, it’s by some famous artist.” Colette gave them a strange look before she said, “It’s a balloon-dog sculpture.”
Jasmine struggled to keep a straight face as she asked, “Where is it? I think it would blend in great with the rest of your decor.”
Colette glowered. “And the piggy bank weighs a ton. It’s made of gold and encrusted with Swarovski crystals and diamonds.”
“Subtle,” she commented, which made Ariana snicker.
“At least she acknowledged Polara.” Ariana crossed her arms over her chest. “My mom met Kye and Bailey twice. She invited the paparazzi to document the ten-minute meetup to prove what a great grandmother she is. She lies to the press and says she talks to them every day.”
She knew her sisters didn’t have great relationships with their mothers, who’d both granted Maximus sole custody, but she’d never heard any criticism until now.
“I always wondered if you spent holidays with your mother’s side,” Jasmine ventured.
Colette and Ariana gave her identical affronted expressions.
“My family rarely leaves Los Angeles,” Ariana said tightly. “The only time they travel to the East Coast is if they’re doing press for a movie or are here for Fashion Week or the Met Gala.”
“What are your half-sisters up to now?”
“One of my sisters is the new Bond girl. My mom is on set every day looking for lucky husband number six.”
“And you, Colette? What do you normally do for the holidays?”
“Nothing with my mother’s side. Lyle’s family is close, but most of them are in Italy. We usually go there for Christmas or New Year. I’m hoping they’ll come here this year.”
Jasmine straightened. “I didn’t get a good look, but I swear I saw your grandfather, Cecil, and your brother, on the cover of Business Weekly.”
Colette smoothed out the wrinkles on Polara’s clothes. “There are rumors my grandfather’s going to name Lawrence as CEO of his company. It hasn’t been formally announced.”
Ariana jerked to attention. “Have you called Estelle?”
“She won’t return my calls. I assume that means the rumors are true.”
“But Estelle left you with Dad so he could prepare you to run Cecil’s company! What does Lawrence know about running anything? Isn’t he, like, twelve?”
“Same thing!”