Roth stood in front of the open door, shielding her so she could brush her dress and coat down. She ignored his outstretched hand as she stepped out and seized the opportunity to escape when someone called his name. She hustled toward the building, ignoring Roth’s curse as she left him behind. She approached so quickly the doormen struggled to get the doors open in time. She didn’t let that stop her and turned sideways to slip through the narrow opening.
There were more people in the lobby than was normal for this hour. They were lounging near the fireplace, some still with their blinking reindeer antlers on, clearly in high spirits. Several glanced up at her hurried entrance. Someone called out to her, but she ignored them. All her attention was on the elevator.
The attendant’s eyes widened. Hastily, he tapped the button. She must have looked as crazy as she felt.
Halfway across the lobby, her arm was caught in a stinging grip. She ignored Roth and pulled, desperate to get to the penthouse. He banded an arm over her chest, locking her to him.
“Mr. and Mrs. Roth,” the elevator attendant said gaily.
She hung her head, because talking was beyond her. She was hanging on by a thread and was surprised to hear Roth’s civilized greeting. Even though it took less than thirty seconds for the elevator to reach their floor, it felt like ten minutes. The moment the doors opened to reveal Roth’s penthouse, she surged forward, but she was held back by Roth, who stepped out of the elevator but didn’t advance any farther.
As the doors closed behind them, he whirled her around and grabbed handfuls of her coat. “I’m not letting you go until you tell me what happened.”
The pressure in her chest detonated. She slammed her hands against his chest and shoved him with all her might. It startled him into losing his grip on her coat, but it didn’t make him fall on his ass as she hoped.
“You want to know what happened? You happened! You have no idea what these events are like for me, and you don’t care as long as you get what you want. Fine. I played my part. I smiled and danced and got all the intel I could to ensure you get your money’s worth. I’m sorry tonight didn’t go perfectly and I’m such a tactless, emotional liability. If you’re not satisfied with my performance, pick someone else to play your wife. There are countless women who’d do it for a fraction of the price you’re paying me!”
When he reached for her, she wrenched back, tears slipping down her face.
“You got what you wanted out of me tonight. I have a list of names my father would have slit your throat for, but if you don’t want a briefing on that, I have nothing to say to you.”
She whirled but didn’t get more than two steps before he grabbed a hold of her again. All she wanted was to fall apart in peace, and he was in the way, wanting answers to questions she wouldn’t answer. She had no intention of handing him more deficiencies to toss in her face.
She swung around to confront him. “Is it time for my punishment?”
His fingers flexed on her. “What?”
“Three strikes, right? How many mistakes did I make? Five? A dozen? How do you want to punish me? On my knees? A spanking? Maybe I deserve a slap for ruining your night and all the deals you had to leave on the table.”
He released her as if she’d burned him. She couldn’t see his expression through the tears. All she cared about was that she was free to walk away. She made her way to the master suite, the click of her heels conveying her unsteady gait. She braced her hand on the doorjamb and surveyed the familiar room.
Knowing he was right behind her, she asked, “Do you have a trip planned?”
If she wasn’t in so much pain, she would have been amused by his bewildered tone.
“A trip,” she said again. “Los Angeles, Copenhagen, London?”
“No. Why?”
Because she needed to be alone and hoped he had plans to abandon her for Christmas. “I need to go.”
Her first instinct was to go to Tuxedo Park but knowing that was where Maximus had banished Elena made her stomach shrivel. No wonder Maximus treated her like a leper, segregating her from her sisters and leaving Thea to raise her in the country. To make matters worse, his illegitimate, unwanted child was the spitting image of the woman he’d despised. He’d given her the tools, money, and education to choose a better path, but she still ended up whoring herself out to a wealthy man, just like her mother.
“I need some time.”
“You aren’t going anywhere without me.”
She spun to face him. “Find some other whore for a couple of days! I need a break!”
He lifted her so she was on her tiptoes. “You aren’t a whore. You’re my wife.”
She turned her face away as it began to crumple. She wasn’t his wife—not really. This was a marriage of convenience with a time limit. He was her fake husband, and this penthouse was a prop, just like her. Everything was for show. No authenticity, just smoke and mirrors for power and wealth. Beneath all the glitz and glamor was a nightmarish reality she wanted no part of. She wanted something real, authentic, and safe. She wouldn’t find any of those things here.
“Give me a couple of days.”