She wrapped her arms around herself as she stepped into the elevator that would take her to a man who had never let her down.
She walked into Apex Asset Management, an investment company that handled more than one trillion dollars in assets. Lyle had been working here ever since she’d known him and risen quickly through the ranks. The office was a glorified man cave. Dim lighting, dark browns and black. As she made her way toward the receptionist, she was surprised when the woman waved at her as if she were a regular. Assuming she must have her mixed up with someone else, Jasmine paused at the desk to ask about Lyle’s availability as the woman put the phone back in the cradle.
“He’s free.”
Jasmine blinked. “Who is?”
The receptionist, who was around her father’s age, gave her a warm smile. “Mr. Caruso, of course. I’d know you anywhere. You’re the spitting image of your gorgeous sister.”
Her eyes widened at that whopper of a lie, but she didn’t bother to contradict the woman. She was just relieved Lyle was present and able to have a visitor. She waved behind her at whatever security accompanied her. “They’re with me.”
The receptionist nodded kindly and gestured her back to the maze of offices.
It had been years since she’d visited Lyle at work, but he still had the same impressive corner office. He stood in the doorway in a crimson dress shirt that complimented his dark complexion. As usual, he wore no tie, and the top button was undone.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” he said and opened his arms.
The relief she felt when he hugged her nearly made her break down. This was what she’d gone to Roth’s office for. The kiss Lyle pressed on top of her head made her lips quirk in a sad smile. No matter how old she was, he always treated her like a little girl. Sometimes, it irritated her, but on a day like today when she felt lost, the gesture was comforting.
“I’m happy you’re free,” she said as he closed the glass door and gestured her to a chair.
“I just got off an hour-long conference call.” He perched on the edge of his desk in front of her. “I always book gaps in case something comes up. What brings you here?”
“I was in the area,” she said with an airy wave of her hand. “I thought I’d drop by to bother you.”
He focused on something above her head. “They go everywhere with you?”
She glanced back to see Johan and an additional guard had taken seats in the waiting area. The guard she was unfamiliar with scanned the luxurious environment alertly, while Johan made no pretense about the fact he was focused exclusively on their interaction. Could he lip-read? Was he going to document Lyle’s expressions as they talked, with time stamps?
She turned back to Lyle. “Roth insists they shadow me wherever I go.”
“I’m glad he takes your safety seriously.”
“Colette doesn’t have a security team,” she pointed out.
“She only visits two buildings—home and the office. Occasionally, she does business lunches and attends functions, but she’s rarely alone. You, however, could be anywhere at any given time. You’re also the type to attract a sicko. I’m glad Roth has it covered, so I can sleep better at night.”
“Sicko?” she echoed.
He ignored her question and gave her an amused look. “You’ve been causing quite the stir, haven’t you, Minnie?”
“Stir?” she parroted, bewildered. “I haven’t been doing anything.”
“Your recent investments are far from nothing,” he drawled, making her straighten in alarm.
“You know about my investments?”
“You can’t make moves in my territory, cara, without me hearing about it,” he chided. “You’re a Hennessy. What you do will always be noteworthy. If that weren’t bad enough, you’re now the wife of the man who has the Midas touch when it comes to picking the right investments. And when you start pouring millions into certain stocks, everyone’s going to sit up and take notice.”
She felt the blood drain from her face. “Everyone thinks he’s feeding me insider information?”
“Of course.”
“He...” She felt a little faint. “He has nothing to do with the investments I’ve been making.”
“What do you mean?” he asked sharply.