Johan: Everything okay?
Jasmine: Thinking about going to the gym.
Johan: The gym in the building?
Jasmine: Yes. The one Roth goes to. Do you know where it is? I’ve never been.
Johan: Yes, we come every day. We’re here with him now.
Jasmine: Ok! Don’t tell him I’m coming. I’ll message you when I’m ready.
She dropped her phone and stared blearily at the ceiling. There was no need for light with the glow from the city illuminating the room. She stretched before she forced herself to get up. She usually woke long after he left but made sure she was at his disposal in the evenings. She’d started greeting him at the elevator and enthusiastically leaping into his arms. The first time she did it, he was stunned, but he recovered quickly. Seconds later, she was over his shoulder as he double-timed it to their bedroom. He expressed his approval for this new ritual by torturing her with his mouth until she screamed.
Another ritual she tacked on was requested a daily array of sweets for Roth to sample after dinner. He was willing to try anything, but so far, he’d only shown a preference for pumpkin pie and a Japanese dessert called mochi.
Once in the shower, Jasmine turned her face up to the spray, willing the water to bring her into this dimension. She was so freaking tired, but she couldn’t shake the feeling Roth needed her. It couldn’t be a coincidence that after confessing his sexual history to her, his already appalling sleep habits worsened. He’d always been an insomniac, but the way he was waking up—that violent jerk that rocked the whole bed—was that of someone in combat mode. She wasn’t sure whether he was having nightmares or flashbacks and wasn’t surprised by his refusal to talk about it. Her attempts to discuss his past were also shot down. It was clear he regretted sharing it with her and insisted the professor hadn’t scarred him or had any lasting effect on him. She wasn’t so sure.
After getting dressed in a gray tracksuit, with dusty-rose sneakers and a hat to cover her makeup-free face and dark circles under her eyes, she shuffled across the penthouse to make coffee. By the time she was halfway through her cup, she was more alert, though her eyes were streaming from constant yawning. She texted her guards as she drained the last of it.
Mo showed up to escort her. Jasmine stepped into the elevator and nodded to the operator, whose eyes flicked over her as she passed. She greeted Mo with a wan smile. The neckline of his shirt was dark with sweat.
“Did you tell him?” she asked.
“No. Said I had to make a call. Johan’s with him.”
“You all wake up in the middle of the night to work out?”
“We’re used to his schedule.”
“I thought you were on my schedule.”
“We are, aside from his morning workouts. We’re in the building, so it’s easier for us to accompany him instead of calling someone from his team.”
She grunted.
“What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. I figured I might as well see where he goes every day.”
That was partially true. She was curious about the building’s amenities, which she had yet to use. But the bigger reason was, Roth hadn’t issued another invitation for her to join him when he started exercising after dinner. So, she was taking matters into her own hands and joining him, whether he wanted her there or not.
They exited the elevator. She looked up and down the long hallway and read the signs before she started in the opposite direction from the gym. Mo followed as she investigated the indoor pool.
“This is my kind of workout.”
The seventy-five-foot-long pool with underwater lights showed crystal clear water that begged her to dive in. The ceilings were two stories high, with windows that allowed for lots of natural light and unbelievable views from the lounge chairs.
On their way out, Jasmine peeked into the spa. Mo waited while she took a quick tour of the locker rooms, hot tubs, and massage rooms. Nothing was locked.
As they walked in the quiet, empty halls, she said, “I know why he’s up at this hour. Not dealing with people makes it easier to do what you need to without interruptions.”
Mo grunted. “You’d be surprised who he bumps into at the gym at this hour.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course, he manages to turn a workout session into a business meeting.”
Mo chuckled. “He turns everything to his advantage. He’s the consummate businessman.”
That he was. Even their marriage was a business deal, with guidelines, parameters, a deadline, and a payout. She saw the wisdom in it. It was better to have defined limits, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her from enjoying their time together. Having Roth open up about his past released the last of her misgivings. She’d started to treat him like a real husband—the way she had at the beginning of their marriage, before it all fell apart. It was terrifying and liberating to let go. This time, she knew she’d be hurt, but she accepted that outcome.