Page 27 of Bitter Confessions

“Promise me.”

She clenched her teeth as he pushed in to the hilt. “I promise.”

“I’m not worth it. No one is.”

She tilted her head to give him better access to her neck. The sounds of their bodies and their hitched breaths were amplified in the small space as they inched toward nirvana. She sensed the reverence and adoration in the way he decorated her throat; in the way he held her to him almost desperately as he tried to prolong the harmony that existed between their bodies.

To disrupt the connection before he reached her soul, she reached down to rub her clit, focusing on herself instead of him. But he wouldn’t be ignored. He brushed her hand aside and took over the job—and truth be told, he was better at it than she was. Within a minute, her breathing had quickened, and she was moving urgently. She let out a loud moan and lifted her head to look at their reflection and caught his smoldering gaze.

When he surged to his feet, she sat up, bemused, and gave a muffled shout when he pulled her hoodie over her head. He yanked her to her feet and ushered her forward. She gasped when he plastered her naked body against the cold metal doors of the elevator. While she was trying to adjust to the shock, he pinned her hands over her head and began to fuck her.

“You’re not leaving me,” he ground out. “It took years of planning, tens of millions in Hennessy & Co. stock, and my mother’s heart attack to bring us here. This.” He shoved himself so deep, she screamed. “This is the closest I’ll ever get to heaven. I’m not giving you up. You hear me?”

She couldn’t concentrate on his words, much less respond. She was still swollen and sore from last night. The pleasure-pain was excruciating, but it was worth it, because... Yes—right there. He was hitting that spot that made her lose her ever-loving mind. She clawed slick metal, and when her head arched back, her lips were captured by his. He groaned as she shuddered against him.

“My turn.”

He took a step back to bend her over at the waist. She obliged and pressed her cheek to the elevator as he gripped her hips, so he didn’t smash her into the unforgiving doors. She closed her eyes and embraced the carnal distraction that gave her emotions a much-needed reprieve.

When he came, he hauled her back, so she took every drop of him before he slumped over her. He stroked her damp skin before placing kisses along her spine.

When he moved away, she stayed in place, panting against the door, not ready to face whatever came next. She looked over her shoulder as he cleaned her and straightened when she saw he was using her Burberry bottoms. Before he could do anything to her hoodie, she slipped back into it. Roth tucked his shirt and zipped his pants as she stared down at her smeared sweats. Had he done it on purpose? How was she going to leave now? She wasn’t going to waltz through the lobby in stained jogging pants or in a hoodie that barely covered her cooch.

“Are you going to look at me?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the elevator, now smudged from their bodies being pressed against it. “Nothing’s changed.”

“Everything’s changed. Give me a chance to make this up to you.”

“You can’t tell me you married me to punish me and expect sex to make it better. I’m breaking our contract.”

“We have to move past this.”

“That’s what I’m doing!”

“Running away isn’t solving it.”

“There’s nothing to salvage from this disaster.”

“I don’t agree.”

When he said nothing more, she glanced at him to find him looking at her bare bottom half. His eyes were dark and hungry.

“You’re still dripping.”

She pressed her thighs together and tugged on her jacket even though it wouldn’t sufficiently cover her. “That’s your fault.”

“Not all of it. You were wet before I even touched you.”

When he started toward her, she held up a hand.

“Stop, Roth.” Of course, he didn’t listen to her. She retreated as she racked her brain for a way out of this. “I don’t want this! I just want to live a quiet life. I want to be happy. I deserve to be happy and so do you.”

When she backed into a wall, she tried to change direction, but she wasn’t quick enough. He planted his hands on either side of her.

“You don’t think I can make you happy?” Her dumbfounded expression made his eyes narrow. “When were you happiest?”

She opened her mouth.