The same feeling that had overwhelmed her last night consumed her again—abject helplessness and despair. She’d thought they were clearing the air and coming to an understanding, only to uncover more secrets that proved they were never meant to be.
She didn’t look at him as she got to her feet and rounded the couch.
Her pseudo-serenity shattered. Her socks scrambled over smooth marble as she raced down the entry hall and lunged for the elevator keypad. There had to be a way to override it in case of emergency. She typed in 911 before remembering what country she was in and switched to 999. The gold doors didn’t budge. She looked up, hoping to see a camera so she could speak to someone, but there was nothing.
Her nightmare was coming. Panic engulfed her. She had to get out of here. She beat her fists against the metal doors and screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping there was a sensor that would detect the disturbance.
“I need help! Please! Somebody help me!”
Maybe someone using the elevator would hear her and?—
Massive arms wrapped around her, clamping bent forearms to her chest. “Stop.”
“You can’t keep me here!”
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Because I’m not going to let you anymore! I’m done.” She lunged backward, clipping his chin with the top of her head. There was a satisfying crack and a curse, but he didn’t loosen his grip. “Destroy the company, destroy my family—I don’t care anymore!”
His arms flexed around her. “I’m going to make this up to you.”
A hoarse, hysterical laugh erupted from her throat. “That’s impossible.”
“No, it isn’t. Whatever you want that’s in my power to give, it’s yours.”
She stilled, hope burgeoning in her chest. “Will you let me go?”
His chest expanded before he let out a gusty sigh. “No.”
For just a second, she’d tasted freedom. The crushing disappointment was almost too much to bear. “I hate you! I’m not playing this game anymore. Nothing is worth this hell!”
She thrashed, but he subdued her with ease, as he had done so many times before. She hated how weak and vulnerable he always made her feel.
“It wasn’t bad enough that I had Maximus Hennessy as a father—I had the misfortune to choose someone just like him!” Bitter tears slipped down her face. “I was a disappointing daughter and an even more abysmal wife. So much so, I’m still being punished for it. What more do you want from me? How much more do I have to suffer before you’re satisfied?”
“I’m not going to punish you.”
“You already have!”
“I’m sorry.”
Those two words—words she’d longed to hear and never thought she would—cut her to the quick. She clenched her teeth to stop the sob from erupting from her mouth. If she started, she’d never stop.
“I’m sorry, princess.”
The ache in his raspy, uneven tone undid her. Her body collapsed under the unbearable weight she’d been carrying. All morning, she’d tried her best to keep her shit together, but she was so fucking done. She’d thought last night’s battle was bad, but today’s casualties were worse. The reality of their situation was so mangled and hopeless she couldn’t see a way forward. She surrendered to an avalanche of emotion, too overwhelmed to hold back the tide.
Roth sank with her to the floor, crouching over her as she kneeled with her head bowed, crying her fucking heart out. He tucked his face against hers and held her tight, comforting her through the devastation he’d caused.
“Please,” she sobbed. “Please let me go.”
“I can’t.”
“You can! You said what’s within your power. This is! Find someone else who?—”