Page 100 of Bitter Confessions

She elbowed him in the stomach. “Not funny.”

“It kind of is,” he said. “Certain stocks are skyrocketing because they think Roth’s behind your decisions.”

She’d been prepared to take a loss if her investments didn’t pay off, but she had no idea her actions were being so closely monitored. Now she knew the outcome would be gossiped about and passed on to her family and Roth, she felt a little queasy.

The phone on Lyle’s desk rang.

“I’ll see you later,” she said as she hurried to the door.


She looked back with her hand on the handle.

“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”

Her heart clenched. There was so much she wished she could tell him, so much she wanted to ask, but she couldn’t. She missed the days when she’d pour her heart out to him, and he’d tell her everything was going to be okay. He couldn’t make such promises now, because he couldn’t ensure everything would turn out the way it should, and she wasn’t naïve enough to believe him anymore.

“I’ve had firsthand experience with true evil. Lyle’s gray at best.” What was he hiding? What was the connection between his secret and her? Melancholy swept through her, weighing her down and making her eyes sting with more tears.

“Is it possible to truly love someone when there’s so much you don’t know about them?” she asked.

He cocked his head to the side. “It’s impossible to know everything about a person.”

“Then who am I loving? The person they are or the person I want them to be?”

He considered her for a moment before he said, “Maybe it’s a bit of both.”

“Why keep something from someone you love?”

“You know the answer to that.”

Her hand tightened on the cold steel handle. “I’m stronger than you think.”

He inclined his head. “I have no doubt.”

“So is Colette.” As she let the silence stretch, his open expression hardened. “I’m going to extend the same invitation. If you ever want to talk...”


“I’m here for you,” she said in a rush before she blew a kiss. “I love you.”

She pushed the door open, aware of Lyle’s gaze on her as she let it soundlessly shut behind her.

Johan approached, eyes locked on her face. “Everything okay?”

“Of course,” she said as she dabbed the corner of her eye and led the way back to the elevator.

Several people called out to her by name as she passed their office, reinforcing Lyle’s warning that she wasn’t as anonymous as she believed.

Mo was at the curb when they exited the building. Johan waited outside her door until she’d buckled her seat belt to make sure she wouldn’t bolt before he got in.

“Where to?”

Mo’s formal tone made her sigh. “Park Avenue.” Several minutes passed in silence before she said, “I’m sorry.”

Mo inclined his head but otherwise didn’t acknowledge her apology.

She pulled out her phone to see if she had any missed calls or texts from Roth, but there was nothing. He knew she’d gone to see Ariana. Didn’t he care about the outcome? She ran her hands through her hair and tried to ignore the hurt building in her chest. She didn’t expect him to tell her everything, but traveling out of state was worth mentioning. So was the fact he wasn’t just doing business with her sisters, but now Lyle as well. Was he bothered by Lyle wanting in on a deal? Flattered? Or was that all part of his plan—to create business ties with her family so he didn’t have to rely on their marriage to count them as allies in future?