She leaned away from him and settled against the door and used her arm as a makeshift pillow and willed Mo to drive faster because she needed her bed.
* * *
She groanedas she was dragged across the seat and set on her feet in what felt like arctic temperatures. The combination of wind and a deafening roar made her clap her hands over her ears.
“What’s that noise?”
“The jet,” Roth said as he picked her up.
She buried her face on his shoulder to escape the chill. “What jet?”
“Our jet.”
She frowned. “I don’t have a jet.”
“You do now.”
A distant part of her knew she should be alarmed that they were going somewhere, but she was too tired to care. The awful noise faded once they entered the cabin. Her legs bounced against the chairs as he walked down the aisle. He was so warm that she groaned when he settled her in the cold leather seat. She stared around, bleary-eyed, as he buckled her in. Johan and Mo were already seated along with Sarai who wore the same white parka she had on when they met in Colorado. When Sarai grinned at her, she scowled. As Roth settled into the seat beside her, the jet began to move.
“Where are we going?” she mumbled as her eyelids fluttered shut.
That piqued her interest, but not enough for her to open her eyes. She felt her eyebrows lift. That was all she could manage. “But…” She struggled to think straight. “What about my stuff?”
“All here. Sarai’s been waiting with the jet for hours.”
“Hours? Why didn’t you say anything?”
The engine powered up, so she couldn’t hear his response. She leaned toward him and accidentally rested her head on his shoulder. She was too tired to straighten.
“You were having a good time,” he rumbled.
Her brows pinched together. Something about that wasn’t right, but she didn’t have the energy to figure out what. The jet shot forward. Even as her stomach fluttered during the takeoff, she was already slipping back into a much-needed sleep with his musk clouding her senses.
Jasmine opened her eyes and stared up at a shadowed ceiling. A soft, artificial glow lit the room. There was no sound apart from her groan as she extended her feet in a delicious stretch. She tugged the thick covers up to her chin and sighed. Her mind was completely blank. She didn’t know where she was, when she was, or with whom. Nothing mattered when she was warm and lying on what felt like a cloud.
She closed her eyes and hummed a happy tune that came to mind as her limbs swished beneath the covers. It wasn’t until she realized she was clad in only underwear that she stilled. The pleasant emptiness she had been floating in immediately began to drain away as fragments of her world began to piece themselves together.
She wasn’t on vacation with Dad or on a retreat of her choosing. Dad was gone and she…
Slowly, she turned her head and looked at the space beside her. There was an indention on the pillow, indicating someone had slept beside her at some point. She closed her eyes as more memories filtered in, destroying her peace of mind and replacing it with trepidation and dread.
They ate dinner with the Davies and Baldaccis last night, and then she fell asleep on the jet. She had a vague recollection of being roused and then hustled into a car. Had Roth carried her into a hotel, or was that part of a random dream she had? The fact that she couldn’t remember him undressing her was unnerving. She rubbed her thighs together, checking… No, he hadn’t taken advantage while she was unconscious.
She sat up and scanned the room, eyes flicking up to the dimly lit chandelier before halting on her clothes, which had been draped over a nearby chair. Although she preferred not to sleep in a bra, she didn’t like that he’d taken it off, but what was the point in being miffed?
Her feet sank into the lush carpet as she slipped out of bed and put on her coat. She paused before the closed French doors and listened. Silence. She pulled one door open and stuck her head through. A stately living room lined with windows that let in unfiltered sunlight greeted her. She ignored the bucket of melted ice that held two bottles of champagne, the beautiful flower arrangements on every available surface, and took in the stunning view.
The hotel was across the street from a bustling city square decorated as if they were at the height of the Christmas season. She was so intent on getting a better view of the towering Christmas tree, banners, and booths that she pulled open the door that led onto the terrace before she registered the frigid temperature and remembered she was practically naked.
She shut the door, turned on her heel, and raced back to the master suite. Although she wasn’t pleased with Roth dragging her all over creation, she couldn’t deny she was thrilled at the opportunity to explore a new city. She had never been to Denmark, and knowing how Roth conducted business, she didn’t have a moment to waste.
At another time, she might have paused to appreciate the regal bathroom, but now that she got a glimpse of what lay beyond this room, all she wanted was to make use of the facilities and get out of here. As she scrubbed off last night’s makeup, she wondered what caused their abrupt departure from London. In three days, he acquired Reed & Sons, spoke to the prime minister, and attended a luncheon with international powerhouses, most of whom had a connection in one way or another with her father. It was clear that Charon didn’t like or trust him, yet Roth used his connections to take care of something for him. Was it because Charon was a friend of Lyle’s and Roth wanted to turn him into an ally, or was it a demonstration of his power and influence?
She stepped into the shower and turned on the water. Throughout the years, she saw Roth’s face on magazines. She knew he was amassing his wealth and gaining power, but nothing prepared her for this. Roth may have surrendered the States to her father, but he made a point to stake his claim on the rest of the world. His international staff spoke for itself. Kira’s casual mention of Roth doing business with her Russian husband sent a chill down her spine. Come to think of it, Roth had dinner with Daiyu’s father in New York. Why did she have the feeling that he had left no part of the globe untouched?