Page 80 of Bitter Secrets

“Yes!” Jasmine bellowed and tossed down the blow-dryer.

It mattered because the basic foundation of their relationship (that he pursued her forher) was false. Every word, every action had been deliberate and calculated. She could have been anyone… and probably was that to Roth. He didn’t care that he acquired her under false pretenses; he just saw her as his, a possession he wouldn’t relinquish until he was finished with her. She planted her hands on the vanity and fought the burn in her chest and eyes. She’d been expertly conned. It made her want to howl. Instead, she rocked back and forth on her heels, self-soothing until the agony lessened enough for her to finish getting ready for the day.

Rex continued to whisper reassurances in her ear, weighing down her heart as she applied enough makeup to be presentable in public. She cursed her vivid imagination as she felt invisible hands moving over her. She even paused while buttoning her top to brush at the rough palm she could feel splayed over her stomach.

She was so focused on Rex that it didn’t occur to her to worry about his real-life counterpart until she saw the bed. Although the covers were completely wrecked on both sides, she instinctively knew he hadn’t slept here last night. He hadn’t concluded his business in Paris. Good. She hoped he stayed there for the rest of the week. The last thing she needed was for him to walk in and see her masturbating like she was sexually deprived. If he dared touch her after…

She left that thought unfinished and stalked to the nightstand and saw her phone flashing. She leaned over and stared at the name on the display. She didn’t want to answer, but she hadn’t checked in yesterday, and if she only responded through text messages, they might get suspicious. That’s all she needed, another lecture from Lyle. She picked up on the last ring. “Hey.”

“It’s Ari and me,” Colette said.

“Hey,” she said again as she scanned the room for her boots.

“How are you doing?” Ariana asked.

She fixed a smile on her face as she said, “Fine,” and hoped she sounded convincing.

“I don’t think she knows,” Ariana muttered.

Her heart skipped a beat. “Know what?”

“The notice is in the paper,” Colette said.

“Notice?” she echoed, and then it hit her. “Oh.”

“I’ve gotten a dozen calls this morning, mostly from reporters wanting a statement,” Colette said.

She glanced out the window and saw that it was a beautiful day without a cloud in sight. “What did you say?”

“That we were honored to be part of the ceremony this time around and that we support you both in your endeavors,” Colette said.

“Very proper,” she noted.

“The photos are beautiful,” Ariana said.

“Yes, they were.”

Even as she wondered which photos Roth had chosen, Colette said, “I sent you the announcement and got a copy of the paper in case you want to save it for a keepsake.”


“I also forwarded some articles in case you wanted to review them.”

Her sisters attempt to be supportive even though they knew something was terribly wrong made her shoulders slump. She needed a confidant more than ever, but Roth erected an invisible barrier between her and the rest of the world, isolating her and making her realize she had no one.

She swept her ambivalent emotions aside as she said, “Apparently, we’re going to be featured in a magazine as well, so you’ll probably get calls about that too. Daiyu wanted to feature her dress.”

“You meanyourdress.”

She ignored that and asked, “How’s Polara?”

Colette’s businesslike tone softened significantly. “She’s been staying up for longer periods of time. Her smile is just…” Colette sighed. “I love her too much.”

Ariana chuckled. “There’s no such thing as too much love.”

“I’ll get her something from London,” Jasmine said. She had to go shopping anyway, and she would find the most adorable outfits here.

“How long are you going to be away?” Ariana asked.