“Colette didn’t go to graduate school, did she?”
“Um, no, she didn’t. Neither did Ariana.”
“Impressive,” Don murmured and smiled. “You want to show up your sisters, don’t you?”
Her eyes rounded. “N-no. It’s not that at all—"
He held up a hand. “I get it. I have four siblings myself.”
“But I…”
Don turned back to Roth. “What do you think of the current market?”
She subsided into stunned silence as they continued their discussion. Here she was, thinking everyone would know that Dad was sending her to grad school because she needed the extra pointers, while others thought she was in competition with her sisters. As if! She tugged on her hand again and received another gentle squeeze. What the hell? Roth was in. He didn’t need her hanging around. Matthew and Lincoln were no longer listening to the conversation, but focused on the hold Roth had on her. A little panicked, she took her place beside him again and was relieved when his hand dropped away. Apparently, he wanted her beside him. She wasn’t sure what to think of that.
Matthew and Lincoln excused themselves when Don called on Simon Vogt, a partner of his. Simon had heard of Roth, but had never met him before. When he clasped Roth’s hand, she knew before the handshake was over that Roth was categorically in. Don and Simon took over the conversation. She tensed when Roth disagreed, but both men seemed delighted by his answers, which was strange. Simon called on two more men to join their group. Roth didn’t bat an eye when he was introduced to Len Weinberg, a real-estate mogul and one of the richest men in the city. She held her breath as Len shook Roth’s hand.
“This one’s not afraid of hard work,” Len said approvingly.
“No, I’m not,” Roth agreed.
Len glanced at her. “Jasmine.”
She inclined her head. “Mr. Weinberg.”
The urge to disappear was overwhelming, but she wouldn’t risk having Roth grab her in front of these men. Her palms began to sweat as the business talk continued. There were subtle probes into his background, which Roth answered with the same straightforward honesty that he’d shown thus far. He was an only child and raised by a single mother. Even more impressive. She would have assumed he grew up under a hard-working father who instilled the values he needed to make it in the business world.
Activity near the ballroom doors made her heart sink. Dad and his venture capitalists reentered the room. They weren’t going to do the deal here and now; this was just the first step. They would gather at a later date without everyone present to nail down the specifics. Women gravitated to their men. This was the beginning of the end of the party, a time when she could make her getaway, but she was stuck.
As Dad scanned the room and paused on their group, she felt the sharp bite of panic. All feelings of invincibility, joy, and rebellion crumbled as Dad’s eyes narrowed. Colette appeared at his side and immediately zeroed in on them. Even as her eyes flared, Dad started forward. Colette stayed where she was, but reached up to touch her pearls in a nervous gesture she didn’t exhibit often.
Jasmine’s palms began to sweat as Dad bore down on them, cutting through the crowd, who gave way to their angry host. He was dressed in a black suit with his signature red silk tie. He looked dignified, arrogant, intimidating. When she was younger, she was convinced there had been some mistake, and she had another father out there. One who was normal, worked a nine to five, and actually liked her. She’d given up that dream, but it flared to life again as he neared. Maximus should have stopped at one daughter. Colette completed him.
Her temples throbbed with anxiety as he stopped behind Len, who must have felt the heat emanating from him because he turned.
“Maximus!” Len said jovially and clapped her father on the shoulder. “I was just meeting Roth, the young man you invited. Very impressive work he’s done. It’s nice to hear some people still have that hunger that you and I did, huh?”
Maximus didn’t acknowledge Roth or what Len said. Instead, he looked down his nose at his friend. “I need to speak to Jasmine.”
Used to her father’s dark moods, Len teased, “Catering emergency?”
When Maximus glared at him, Len glanced at her. “You better go, missy.”
As all eyes focused on her, Jasmine felt the blood drain from her face. Making a scene was her worst nightmare, and this was ten times worse than she imagined. She gave the men an apologetic smile before she looked up at Roth.
“It was a pleasure meeting you,” she said and inclined her head before she backed away.
There was an awkward silence as she rounded the group and followed Dad across the ballroom. He cut through the dance floor, interrupting his guests and uncaring who witnessed his fury. Jasmine scurried on the outskirts as Dad exited the ballroom. She passed Colette, who didn’t meet her eyes. He passed the security guards in front of the elevators and started down a hallway. She was relieved until he halted too close to their audience for comfort.
“You wanted my attention, Jasmine? Now you have it.”
“I didn’t—"
“You were an hour late.”
“Yes, I—”
”You would think someone who attends Wharton’s would know how to tell time.”