He didn’t say anything, but when she rolled away, he didn’t stop her. She walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and didn’t bother with the lights since there was a soft glow around the vanity mirrors. She walked into the shower and went on all fours. Her hands went between her legs and sank into her slick pussy. She was sticky and dripping, and that should have been a turn-off, but she got off on it. She wished she didn’t.
Jasmine tried to find some relief, but her narrow fingers weren’t doing it for her. She needed her vibrator. Shit. She surged to her feet and grabbed the shower head with clumsy hands, dropping it before her slippery fingers found purchase. She turned on the water and played with the settings before she found the concentrated blast she needed. With her back against the wall, she squatted in the corner and spread her legs. She grunted as she adjusted the water pressure. She didn’t want to blast her clit off. Shit. She adjusted the shower head and closed her eyes. She wished she didn’t have to work so hard for an orgasm. Men could just whip it out and come in minutes. Women needed the right combination of things… unless it was her magical vibrator that latched on to her clit like a mouth and sent her into orbit in record time. It was at Tuxedo Park. She needed to order another one so she was topped up and she wouldn’t respond to that asshole.
She was so focused on her body that she didn’t hear him come in. When the shower head was ripped from her hands, it startled her into losing her balance and falling on her ass. She got doused with water before it cut off. She swiped at her face and glared at the hulking mountain who replaced the shower head in its holder.
“I locked the door,” she panted.
“You think I’d let you have locks I can’t override?”
She bared her teeth at him. “What do you want?”
“Is this your new strategy? Deny yourself so you don’t feel guilty about the fact that you want me just as much as I want you?”
She blinked. For a sociopath, he understood her actions better than she did. It had been an instinctive reaction to seize control and make him come quickly. She hadn’t pondered why, but he’d jumped to the correct assumption immediately. Making him lose control and not giving in to her own needs should have made what happened in the room feel like a victory, but once again, Roth turned a win into another loss. Of course, he wouldn’t allow her to claim an orgasm for herself in peace. Anger, shame, and lust tumbled through her as she climbed to her feet. Her soaking sweater hung awkwardly on her. She wasn’t sure why she was still wearing it, but she was grateful since it gave her a modicum of dignity even though he hadn’t turned on the lights.
“If you’re done analyzing me,” she said in frigid tones, “I want to take care of something—"
She was looking at his shadowed face when she should have been watching his hand, which slid between her legs. She leapt back into the corner and realized her mistake when he boxed her in. Blindly, she fought, but froze when he hooked two fingers inside her. Her eyelids fluttered as he filled her the way she desperately needed. He dipped his head, butting his cheek against hers. She turned her face away so she could concentrate on her orgasm and not him, but he wasn’t having it. He gripped her face and took her lips at the same time that he began finger fucking her with such force that her ass bounced against the wall. She groaned into his mouth and spread her legs to give him more access.
When she couldn’t breathe, she tore her mouth from his, and wrapped her arms around his neck as she prepared to succumb to her release.
“Finish me,” she breathed.
He stilled.
He trailed kisses over her shoulder and then up her neck to her earlobe. She sank her hand into his hair and yanked viciously, forcing his head up.
“Make me come.”
“Say you want me,” he countered.
She used the wall as a springboard and used every ounce of strength she possessed to shove him. He rocked back just enough for her to slip past. She stalked to the exit, body ablaze with a heady cocktail of raging need and fury. Fuck the orgasm and fuck him. She wasn’t going to beg. If this is how it was going to be…
Two hands gripped her waist and hauled her back, knocking her off balance. She thrust her hands out to break her fall, but a bruising grip on her hips didn’t let her touch the floor. Bent over, unbalanced, she reached back.
“Let me go, you manipulative cock—"
Her voice died as he entered her from behind with such force that a wheezing sound erupted from her mouth. She would have been embarrassed if she was in her right mind, but Roth didn’t allow her to think. He gave her no quarter as he took control, hauling her back with every thrust. Garbled words and broken phrases erupted from her mouth. She was completely helpless and at his mercy. She begged him to stop. He didn’t, and deep down where she was honest with herself, she reveled in his possession.Thiswas the right recipe for her, a perfect storm. When she started rippling around him, he forced her onto her belly and plowed her into an orgasm so vicious that she tried to get away, fingers and feet scrabbling over slick stone. He kept up the brutal pace until she was sobbing.
When she was limp as a rag doll, he flipped her onto her back. She sprawled in a cold puddle that took her breath away. He spread her trembling thighs and slid inside her again. He felt like a living furnace. She reached for him, desperate for his body warmth so she wouldn’t freeze. He blanketed her with his body and tucked his face against hers. He whispered filthy things to her, things they’d done in the past and things he planned for the future. The hard slap of their flesh meeting was punctuated by the swish of water he was fucking her in.
She wasn’t sure what she was asking for, but he slowed and nuzzled her.
“I have a lot of sins to answer for, but not this.” He lifted her leg so he could sink even deeper. They both moaned in reaction. “This has always been perfect. I thought I had myself under control when I took you for the first time, but that went out the window when you lit up for me. I thought I fucked it up, but you asked for more…” He rocked against her, making her mewl and arch. “I tried to be noble for once in my life and wait a few days, but you wouldn’t let me. You couldn’t walk the next day, but you didn’t regret it. You matched me from the very first. You never backed away, never folded.”
He swiveled his hips, making her cry out and mark him with her nails. He hummed in approval.
“I’m not going to let you take this away from us. This…” He kissed the corner of her mouth as she panted. “This fucking gift I didn’t deserve and took for my own before anyone else could. I’m keeping it, keeping you.”
He braced his hands on either side of her head as he began to move again. Gently, but with the unforgiving surface beneath her, each thrust hit uncomfortably deep, making her squirm. She saw the flash of white from his smile and knew he was aware of what he was doing. Fucker.
“You want to war, we’ll war. You want it to be like before, then that’s what you’ll get, but I’m done with you denying me my place. I’m your husband, not some fucker you locked eyes with on the dance floor or some sailor looking for a good time.”
Two hookups she mentioned in the Thalia Crane series…