She ruffled his hair. “That’s okay. I do talk funny. It’s called an accent.”
“Accent,” he repeated and tilted his head. “Where are you from?”
His mouth formed an O before he said, “Have you ever tried a Pop-tart?”
She grinned. “I have.”
She crouched to his eye level. “When I go back to America, I’ll send you a box of every flavor I can find.”
He turned on his heel and ran to the couches screaming, “Zach, I’m gettingPop-tartsfromAmerica!”
“Now you’ve done it,” William said as she straightened.
“What are friends from other countries for?” As he chuckled, she muttered, “I wish a Pop-tart could make me that happy.”
“So true.”
“Jas!” Penelope hurried toward her with a little bundle in the crook of her arm. “You look lovely. I knew that outfit would suit you.” Penelope angled herself so Jasmine could see the angelic face of her daughter. “Meet Mariah Baldacci.”
She leaned down and cooed, “Hi, honey, I’ll send you some Pop-tarts too.”
Penelope snickered before she shifted to reveal her oldest son who was hiding behind her back. “And this is Zach.”
“Hi, Zach.”
Zach glanced up at his mom before he said, “I like Twinkies.”
“For God’s sake!” Penelope exclaimed while Jasmine threw her head back and laughed.
Penelope’s mother, Janis, came forward to give her a hug. “It’s wonderful to see you, dear.”
“You too.”
Janis looked behind her. “Where’s your husband?”
She waved her hand. “He had some things to see to.” She hoped he didn’t make it at all.
“Oh.” Janis frowned. “Should we delay dinner?”
“No, he wouldn’t want that,” she said airily before she caught sight of another familiar face. “Abby?”
Penelope’s sister threw her arms around her. “Jas! I’m so happy for you!”
Abby introduced her fiancé, Jin, before they ushered her to a seat in front of the fire. In short order, she had a glass of autumn spiced tonic in hand and Teddy pressed against her side, whispering about more American sweets while Abby and Janis asked about her recent nuptials. When the baby awoke with an angry howl, Penelope excused herself and Frederick wandered into the room with a distracted frown.
As he leaned down to kiss her cheek, he muttered, “Your husband doesn’t know when to quit.”
The smile froze on her face. “I’m sorry?”
He poured himself a drink before he took the seat beside her. “Does he ever sleep?”
“Rarely. Why?”
“Charon voiced some concerns at the meeting today. Roth said he would take care of it. We didn’t take him seriously.”