Page 87 of Bitter Secrets

“I’m sure Daiyu will compensate Jas in some way,” Penelope said in dulcet tones as she turned down her phone’s volume. “A new wardrobe or something fabulous she can wear to—”

“Which reminds me,” Kira cut in. “I assume you’re having a late reception. When is it? Spring? I’ve always loved coming to America during that time of the year. Or maybe you could do it in summer?”

“I’m not—”

“Perhaps something tropical?” Penelope added. “Bahamas? Hawaii?”

“We just bought a resort in Kenya! We can have the reception there,” Kira said.

“I don’t—"

“Or you can use the yacht,” Kira continued. “Extravagant and exclusive, so everyone will die for an invitation. Igor and I will be included, of course. If people need to be cut from the guest list, we can start with Daiyu.”

She listened in stupefied silence as Kira and Penelope planned the venue for her non-existent reception. This morning, all she had to contend with was Rex, and now her life was spiraling out of control. She couldn’t get a word in edgewise. She was so frazzled that when the car slowed, she felt a burst of relief until she remembered where they were. One glance at the familiar building, and it all came flooding back.

“Kira, we have to go. We’ll catch up later,” Penelope said.

“No more surprises!” Kira snapped. “And let me know if she wants to use the yacht or the properties I mentioned.”

“Will do,” Penelope said as a valet opened her door.

“Penny, I…” Jasmine began and ground her teeth when her friend slammed her door and rounded the car.

As her door opened and a man extended his hand to help her out, she shook her head. “No, I’m not going to…” Her voice faded when she saw Mo and Johan standing on the curb. “What are you doing?”

As a man slipped behind the wheel to take the car, the valet holding her door open asked, “Miss?”

Penelope nudged him aside and stared at her. “Well, come on, then.”

Everyone was waiting on her. This was a fucking nightmare. She had no choice but to take Penelope’s hand and let her lead the way into her family’s hotel.

“Mrs. Baldacci,” a bellman said as he inclined his head at her friend.

Penelope entered the world-renowned restaurant just off the lobby and hailed the maître d' before she led the way to a private room. Penelope opened the double doors with a flourish, revealing ten businessmen sitting around a long table, sipping liquor and smoking cigars. Their heads turned in unison. As Penelope posed dramatically in the doorway, Jasmine resisted the urge to retreat. Roth sat at the head of the table beside Penelope’s father. Even though she didn’t look directly at him, she felt the weight of his stare.

“Sorry, gentlemen, I hope you don’t mind, but I met with a longtime friend that Frederick and my father have to see,” Penelope announced as she tugged Jasmine into the room.

Frederick was the first to rise. “Jasmine, it’s been too long.”

She relaxed a little when he gave her a hug. “It’s good to see you, Freddy.”

“Congratulations on your marriage,” Frederick said with a glance in Roth’s direction.

“Thank you,” she murmured politely and shifted her attention to another familiar face. “McKee.”

The investment banker kissed her cheek. “I haven’t seen you since you took off your braces.”

She smiled. “That would be around the time that you pierced your ear and your father freaked out.”

He grinned and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, “You should have seen what he did after I got a tattoo.”

Knowing his father, she could only imagine that all hell broke loose. “I wish I could have been there. Hey, Charon.” She accepted a peck on both cheeks from the Greek billionaire, whose family made their fortune by founding a grocery store chain and real estate.

“Lyle told me you were here.”

Something about the way he said that gave her pause. She searched his face, wondering if Lyle had expanded on that, but Charon was too cultured to show it.

She gave him a chagrined smile. “He wanted me to have a proper honeymoon, but some business can’t wait, can it?”