Page 129 of Bitter Secrets

They crossed their arms over their chests.

“I want to avoid explaining why I have security.”

“You should tell him you’re married,” Johan said.

“Didn’t you hear what I said? He’s gay.”


“Where’s your ring?” Mo asked sharply.

“In the room where it’s safe.”

“I don’t like this,” Johan muttered.

“I just want to be normal today,” she said, pleading for understanding. “I want to avoid answering more questions than I have to.”

Mo and Johan glanced at one another before Mo shrugged.

“Roth gave permission. We’ll hang back.”

Johan didn’t look happy, but he didn’t argue. They went to either end of the street and waited. Five minutes later, she heard a shout and saw a man in capris, a blue pin striped long sleeve, and Ray-Bans waving from below. She hurried down to him and grinned when he kissed her on both cheeks.

“Look at you!” he exclaimed and gave her a twirl. “You look like you’re living your best life!”

He put an arm around her shoulders and led her downhill.

“I hope you’re hungry. I’m famished. I had to wake up at the crack of dawn for this shoot in Sintra, but it was worth it.”


“Photo shoot. I’m a photographer now. I’ll show you my studio. My partner, Aleixo, is working today. Do you have plans tomorrow?”

“I don’t think so.”

He nodded. “You’ll meet him then. He has the car. We can see the countryside, vineyards, Porto, whatever you want.”

“Oh, I…”

He turned her into a café. “I’ve been thinking about this avocado smoothie all morning.” He touched her arm before she could make a face. “It sounds disgusting, but once you try it, you’ll start to crave it, I promise you. Come, let’s sit here. So, what have you seen so far?”

A little dazed by his rapid-fire chatter, she shook her head before saying, “Uh, nothing yet. I got in yesterday and have been wandering around.”

“I’ll show you the best of Lisbon. I hope you don’t mind, I have one more shoot this afternoon, but it shouldn’t take long.”

She held up both hands. “I have no schedule. I’m just… here.”

He grinned fondly at her for a moment before he reached out and grasped her chin. Her eyes widened at the move. He took his time examining her features. She giggled nervously as he turned her face to one side and then the other.

“Jasmine Hennessy,” he said before he shook his head and released her.

“Yes?” she burbled.

“You were such a cute kid.”

She found herself pouting playfully. “And now?”

“You know you’re a knockout,” he said dismissively, but when he noticed the strange look on her face, he raised a brow. “What?”