Page 105 of Bitter Secrets

As she blew kisses to the girls, Roth picked up a bag she hadn’t noticed and slung it over his shoulder.

“You came straight from the airport?” When he nodded, she smacked his hard stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. I should have arrived last night, but I got delayed.” He looked back the way they had come. “Interesting friend.”

She grinned. “She’s the reason Dad didn’t want me to dorm. She was my roommate during my first year. He didn’t like that he couldn’t control who I interacted with, so he got me the apartment instead, so I wouldn’t be distracted.”

She was sorry she mentioned it when his expression hardened.

“He didn’t come?”


“Did you want him to?”

She looked away. “I didn’t expect him to show.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

As they left the festivities behind, she slowed and rested her head against his chest. “He had another stroke.”

“I heard.”

She swallowed hard. “I went to the hospital.”

She felt him tense, but he didn’t speak.

“He gave orders so I wouldn’t be admitted to his room.” Her chest tightened, but she ignored that and focused on him. She had Roth. He was all that mattered. “I thought earning my master’s would make a difference. It was his dream, not mine, but…” She let out a strained laugh. “I guess that was naive on my part, right?”

“Your father’s a bastard.”

She ignored that and asked, “Did you get any sleep on the flight?”

He shook his head.

“We’ll go home and order take out.”

He frowned. “That’s not much of a celebration. I was going to take you to a fancy dinner.”

Even as that warmed her heart, she shook her head. “You’re all the celebration I need.”

He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and clasped her face in both hands before he kissed her. She bathed in the flames of the heat he ignited so easily. One kiss. That’s all it took for her to become an addict. She gambled everything on him, and he hadn’t let her down. One year and they were still going strong. The passion between them was as potent as ever. Stronger, even. She fit herself into the hard lines of his body and smiled when she felt his erection.

He nipped her lip. “You think this is funny?”

“You’re the one who stayed away for three months.” She ran her hand down his chest as she purred, “Do you know how many nights I touched myself, thinking of all the things I want you to do to me?”

Most women would have been intimidated by his fixed stare, but she eased even closer. The heat made her reckless, as it had from the moment she brushed against it. There was something wild and untamed about him, something that made most people instinctively shy away, even though they couldn’t pinpoint what it was about him that made them so uneasy. He was control personified, but she knew how to set his beast free. He had given it free rein several times. The memories made her pussy clench. She had been a good girl for too long. She was tired of being the responsible, dutiful daughter. Even though it put strain on their relationship, she followed through with her schooling. Roth slaved and so had she, and for what? It made no difference to her father. Nothing would, so why was she fighting it? It was time to be the woman her father accused her of being—naive, wanton, andhis. Roth’s eyes were dark and hungry. She could see it wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge. It had been too long for both of them.

Her hand slid down his chest and slipped even lower. They were in broad daylight, in public, just around the corner from where the main festivities were taking place. This kind of thing wasn’t done here. Presidents attended these ceremonies, along with other prestigious and prominent figures, but she couldn’t find the will to care as her fingers traced the outline of his dick. She’d risk further scandal and the school invalidating the degree she just earned to have him. She had never been a rule breaker or risk-taker, but when she was around him, she couldn’t help herself. Something about him made her want to rebel, provoke, and roll the dice. She loved watching his icy composure crack, revealing the wolf dressed in civilized clothing.

A muscle flexed in his jaw as her hand dipped between his legs and cupped him firmly. “I need you.”

As his eyes blinded with lust, he grabbed her arm, and hauled her down the sidewalk.

“You’re walking too fast,” she complained and playfully tugged on her arm to slow him down.

She wasn’t prepared for him to whirl, stoop, and toss her over his shoulder.