Page 27 of Bitter Heat

“I haven’t been sick in years.”

“Today might be your lucky day,” she retorted.

“I grew up here. I know my limits.”

When he pressed his cold nose against her cheek, she flinched.

“Warm me up, princess.”

“Seriously, Roth, you need to—”

Two cold fingers speared into her, and she gasped at the polarizing sensation. “Oh, my God.”

“I was hoping I could fuck you awake,” he said against her ear.

“Roth, you need to—”

“See, my hand’s already warm. Your pussy gives off more heat than the fire.”

He roused her curiosity and lust. Could she warm him up? Well, if she didn’t, he was going to be in trouble. She cupped his clammy neck, and he pressed against her, telling her without words to carry on. Hmm… She pushed against his chest, but he didn’t budge.

She raised a brow. “Do you want a blowjob or not?”

It took him less than ten seconds to pull her off the counter and have her on her knees in front of him. She shifted uncomfortably, and a second later, his wool jacket landed on the floor, revealing another flannel shirt, this one blue. She knelt on the padding, undid his jeans, and wasn’t surprised to find him flaccid.

“Poor baby,” she said and pressed her cheek against it as she cooed.

“Jasmine,” he said through clenched teeth.

For the first time since he tracked her down in the hospital, she was in charge. She looked up as she wrapped her hand around his dick and clucked her tongue.

“Maybe you got frostbite,” she mused.

“Why don’t you put your mouth on me, and we’ll find out?”

She chuckled as she massaged his balls. When he shivered, her playful mood died.

“Seriously, Roth, you should go in front of the fire—”

She didn’t finish her sentence because he grabbed his dick and shoved it in her mouth. When she tried to draw back, he held her in place. She glared up at him and found him watching her with predatory, laser focus.

“Suck me,” he ordered.

Fine. If he wanted to catch pneumonia because he wanted a blowjob instead of warming up in front of the fire, that was his issue. She cupped his balls, which felt like cold iron and used her mouth to coax his dick to come out of hiding. His icy hands sank into her hair, and as he began to lengthen, she pulled down his jeans and ran her hands over more of his chilled skin.

He undid her robe and pushed it off her shoulders. She took her mouth off him to hold onto it.

“Stop, Roth!”

“I don’t want you to smell like her,” he growled.

She gave it up since he made it clear he was going to rip it off if she didn’t comply. “You’re such a bully!”

He cupped her face with one hand and redirected her mouth back to his cock. “You like bullies.”

“I don’t,” she muttered and frowned when she saw his skin covered in goose bumps. Maybe a little dirty talk would help leech away that terrible cold.

“I’ve always loved your cock,” she breathed, letting her hot breath feather over it. Veins pulsed beneath her hand as she kissed the head of it and sat up to lick his lower stomach. She pressed her nude body against his legs and shivered as she absorbed the cold.