She had visited Colette several times in the past week and spent hours cuddled up with Polara while Colette napped. The only downside was running into Lyle who wasn’t buying into her engagement. He was suspicious and determined to have her spill what was really going on, but she stonewalled the fuck out of him. Her brother-in-law was a successful and formidable man in his arena, but Roth’s assets were diverse and far exceeded their net worth, so fighting him would be a futile effort. The easiest course of action was to play along with the charade. There was a time limit on it, and then all of them would be free of his machinations.
She rapped her fingers on the counter as she contemplated her computer screen and froze when she heard the elevator ding, announcing someone’s arrival into the penthouse. She watched the kitchen entrance warily, expecting Roth to charge in and grab her by the throat.
“Ms. Hennessy?”
The soft, feminine voice was the last thing she expected. She slipped off the stool and found Sarai in the living room with a stylish work bag slung over one shoulder.
“Congratulations!” she said with such exuberance that Jasmine took a step back.
“I’m sorry?”
“On your engagement, of course.” Sarai bounced up and down in her heels and clapped her hands. “I knew the books would bring you two back together.”
She hid her clenched fist behind her back. She couldn’t beat up her own fan now, could she? “Can I help you with something?”
“Yes, I need information,” Sarai said promptly and perched on the edge of the couch and brandished her iPad. “What theme did you have in mind?”
“Theme?” she echoed, completely at sea.
“For the wedding.”
It took a concentrated effort to stop her lip from curling. “What do we need a theme for?”
Sarai blinked. “Your bouquet? The cake? We want them to match, right?”
She pursed her lips to stop herself from saying she didn’t give a rat’s ass about a theme for her fake wedding. This was getting worse and worse. It was bad enough that he had spent a ridiculous amount on a princess dress, but now he sent Sarai to ask her aboutthemes?
“How about modern fall colors?” Sarai said. “Plum and soft pinks? What do you think of that?”
She nodded, and Sarai began to scribble.
“Great. I already have the photographer booked…” she said absently.
“For what date?”
Sarai waved her hand. “Not sure yet. Roth’s schedule is still in flux. They’re on standby.” She looked up and pointed at her. “Don’t you worry about the details. That’s my job.”
Good because she wasn’t going to fuss over any of this.
“I have a minister,” Sarai continued. “Aside from your family, is there anyone else you’d like to invite?”
“No,” she said and then she amended, “Kaia.”
“Great, great,” Sarai said as she made more notes. “Preference for the menu?”
“A little spread after the ceremony.” Sarai glanced up, saw her expression, and waved a hand. “I’ll take care of it. Do you have your dress?”
“Goodie.” Sarai made a notation on the iPad. “I’m sure it’sgorgeous. Daiyu Wu is a genius.”
“SoVoguesays,” she muttered.
Sarai grinned. “Voguedoesn’t lie.”
“Don’t you normally travel with Roth?” she asked, belatedly realizing they were normally joined at the hip.