“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” She smiled at Marv and held out her hand. Like last night, he wrapped her in a tight hug as if they’d known each other for years.
“Nice to see you again, darling,” he said.
She was embarrassed by the prick of tears. As soon as he let go, she moved away to hide her reaction. Being around another father figure who treated her with kindness and care was overwhelming when she was still raw from her father’s betrayal. After being duped by Steven, her walls were sky high, but Marv … He was good people. So was his daughter, Maddie, who she’d taken a liking to. Maddie was young and sweet. She reminded her of the innocent she had been before the Pyres entered her life.
“So when’s the big day?” she asked Aunt Isabel.
“We’re holding off until Marv’s son can come home from Japan. His wife is too far along in her pregnancy to travel.”
“Oh! Is this your first grandchild?” she asked Marv.
He puffed out his chest. “Yes. I can’t wait to see him.”
She tried to smile but wasn’t sure she succeeded. Marv was clearly excited for his first grandchild and was even postponing his wedding so the whole family could be there while her father tried to kill his and Beatrice refused to see Nora.
Determined not to be a fucking rain cloud, she went to the living area and was about to sit when her ass protested. Fucking Gavin.
“Where are you having the wedding?” she asked.
“Come, let me show you.” Aunt Isabel linked their arms together and led her into the backyard. “Isn’t it perfect?”
It was. Beau and Honey ran beneath the shade of some trees that had to be over fifty years old. The yard was well tended with mature plants and a riot of colorful flowers. There was a white bench placed between two trees and a stone path that wove through a small Japanese garden.
“It’s beautiful,” she said quietly.
Aunt Isabel rested her head on her shoulder. “Isn’t it?”
“I’m so happy for you, Aunty.”
Aunt Isabel straightened and looked at her with maternal concern. “And you, Lyla? Are you happy?”
The dent Marv put in her shield became a hole. Her emotions escaped, which caused her eyes to fill.
“I’m happy,” she said in a trembling voice.
“Aw, honey.” Aunt Isabel pressed their cheeks together and cupped the back of her head. “I try to see your mother every week. It’s so hard to see her that way. I know you blame yourself, but you can’t.”
She closed her eyes and let out a shuddering breath.
“You have a beautiful baby and a husband who loves you. You can’t control what happens with your mom, but you have us.”
Lyla hugged her tight. “I know. Thank you.” She wanted to say more, but she couldn’t without losing it completely.
Aunt Isabel pulled back and brushed a hand down her face. “You and Carmen have been through so much. I can see the sadness in your eyes. You’re trying so hard to be happy. You’ll get there. It takes time.”
“I know. I have good and bad days.”
Aunt Isabel nodded wisely. “It may always be like that. Don’t worry about the dogs. We’ll take good care of them. They’re going to have a blast at Marv’s Utah cabin. They’ll get fresh air and get to mark all the trees.”
Lyla laughed. “Yes, they’ll enjoy that.” She hesitated and then asked, “Can I leave Nora with you for a little bit? I think I’ll visit my mom before I go on this trip.”
“Of course, dear.”
When she walked back in the house, she found Marv and Blade standing over Nora who was crawling around the living room, investigating her brand-new surroundings. Blade’s black gaze settled on her face and sharpened.
“I’m going to visit Mom and leave Nora here,” she said to Blade.
He nodded and spoke quickly to the men. They left a host of men to guard Nora while the others accompanied her. The trip to her mom’s house didn’t take long. Aunt Isabel helped them find a place near her and agreed to assist Beatrice as much as possible.