“What the hell are you doing?” she shouted.

He dragged her out of the bathroom and tossed her on the bed. He didn’t care that she was dripping wet or still shaken from her dream. When she tried to roll away, he grabbed her ankle and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Her other foot lashed out and caught him on the shoulder with enough force to make him stagger back two steps. His beast growled in approval, but Gavin wasn’t amused. He was fucking pissed. She was on her way to the closet when he grabbed her hair and yanked her backward. He banded an arm around her waist when she collided against him.

“Don’t you fucking walk away from me,” he hissed.

“You need to let me go.”

Her voice was nowhere near cowed.

“How many times have you asked me to do that?” he hissed in her ear.

“This time, you need to do it,” she said before she stomped his bare foot with her heel.

Game fucking over. He shoved her down on her hands and knees and pinned her with a hand at the top of her spine. His palm landed on her wet ass. The force of the blow mashed her face into the carpet. She screamed, but it wasn’t from pain. It was fury. Good. Now they were even. He walloped her ass. The sharp sound of his hand hitting her flesh and the sting and tingle in his hand alleviated the pounding in his head. Her muffled threats and curses spurred him on. When his hand was throbbing and her ass was bright red, he stopped. Immediately, she tried to rolled away. He stopped her when she was flat on her back with a hand on her throat and crouched over her.

“Who’s the fucking boss?”

Her eyes glittered with rage. “Fuck you!”

“Wrong answer, baby girl.”

He put his legs on either side of hers and pulled his rock-hard cock out of his pants. He saw her hands coming toward his face again and pinned them over her head. He pressed the head of his cock against her opening.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she shouted.

“Don’t tell me not to touch you.” A few choice words from her could send him off the deep end. The need to have her submit to him made his cock throb with the need to invade the pussy that was made for him. “You don’t pull away from me.”

“I didn’t!”

“You fucking did.”

“The dream—”

He didn’t want to hear what she had to say. He forced the head of his cock in. She was barely wet enough to take him, and her hiss of pain was music to his ears. He kept her thighs clamped together, creating an even tighter channel. His beast salivated as it looked over his meal. Her squeaky-clean skin begged him to cover her with cum. Lyla roused every primitive instinct he possessed and had the complete attention of his beast, which didn’t fuck around, especially when it came to its mate.

Tears shimmered in her eyes like unshed diamonds. “This isn’t about you, Gavin.”

“Then why am I bleeding?” He pushed through her folds, forcing her pussy to take him. “You’re pulling away from me because of some dead phantom. I won’t allow it. They’re not here. I am.” He pulled out and then slammed back in, which made her grit her teeth against the pain.

“They’re not allowed in my bed or in our relationship. You need to know exactly where you are and who you belong to.”

“I know who I belong to,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Then say it.”

She glared at him mutinously. He wouldn’t accept half measures from her. He rode her hard, never breaking eye contact with that feral silver blue gaze. His wife wanted to challenge him. He didn’t mind as long as she could take the heat. Battling with her fed his darker needs.

Despite his superior strength and knowledge of combat, she still put up a fight. He liked the tears and even her anger. He would take anything over the inanimate doll she became when she allowed the past into her head. He wouldn't allow it. Vega was dead, and they were moving on. He wouldn't let her wallow in the past.

“You’re heartless,” she said raggedly.

“I’m keeping you with me.”

“I am with you.”

“No, you aren’t.” He pressed his forehead against hers, and when she tried to turn her face away, he grabbed it and turned it back to him. She fought him, but he held her down, bruising her in his quest to keep her right where he wanted her. He was jealous of those who haunted her nightmares. She was his, no one else’s, and certainly not Steven Vega’s. He was nothing, a pissant, a coward. He was ash now, and that was all that mattered.

“You have no one to fear,” he said as he thrust hard enough to make her gasp. “You don’t belong to them; you belong to me.”