
“You are so weird. You work with Marcus every day and still act like he’s a threat.”

“I don’t want his scent on you.”


“I don’t want to smell another man’s cologne on you when I fuck you.”

She collapsed against him with a groan. “You’re crazy.”

“And you love it.”

He saw her mouth curve as she murmured, “I guess I do.”

Several minutes later, Carmen rushed by and said something he didn’t bother to pay attention to as she left with Marcus in tow. Angel followed several minutes later.

“Have a safe trip and don’t worry about anything,” Angel said as he kissed Lyla’s cheek.

Gavin glanced at his expression and knew he was going hunting. “Watch your back.”

Angel nodded. When the last of the staff shuffled out the door, he finally relaxed.

“I’m going out,” Blade said.

Lyla whipped around and propped her elbows on the back of the couch. “You need to get laid again?”

Blade didn’t answer. He walked out and slammed the door.

He tapped Lyla’s ass. “Why do you want to know if he’s getting laid?”


“Because why?”

She frowned. “Why doesn’t he talk to me about it?”

“About getting laid? Why the fuck do you need to know that?”

She waved her hands. “I don’t want to knowthat. It’s just … he doesn’t even talk to me.”

“He does.”

“No, he doesn’t. He just grunts and tells me what to do. He doesn’t talk about himself.”

“He doesn’t want to.”


“Not everyone has a past they want to talk about.” In fact, none of them did. Marcus, Blade, Angel, himself. All of their pasts were twisted and fucked up. Why would they share it with anyone, especially someone who couldn’t relate? “Leave him be. He’s fine.”


He dragged her onto his lap. “I don’t think Blade should be the only one getting laid tonight.”

She smiled, and it made strange things happen in his chest. A part of him hated it, that a mere smile from her could make his heart change its rhythm, but he had finally accepted it. The only alternative was not having her at all, and that would never happen. She framed his face with her tiny hands and kissed him. She was in the mood. She was kissing him hard and rubbing her pussy against his already hard dick. He gripped her ass and ground her against him. She lifted her head and looked down at him.

“You think this will ever fade?” she asked.