His life revolved around Las Vegas. Between the casinos and the underworld, he had no reason to leave the city. The longest he had ever been absent was when he served time in prison. But times had changed. He wasn't the crime lord any longer, and he had a COO who could run the casinos all by himself. Marcus and Angel had given him more leeway than he ever had. In his twenties, he thought money and power gave him freedom, but he was wrong. It was a ball and chain that nearly destroyed everyone around him.

He had been arrogant and foolish in his youth. He thought he was indestructible and could rule the underworld without paying his dues. Vinny’s and his father’s deaths changed him. Life was so fucking short, and he was glad Lyla gave her ultimatum. It forced him to look beyond the underworld to something worth fighting for. He would ensure Angel’s reign as long as he wanted it, and in the meantime, he would fulfill his promise to Lyla and give her the paradise she deserved.

He played with the ends of her hair as they sat in silence, their feet side by side on the coffee table. For the first time in his life, everything was in its place. He didn’t feel the hunger that drove Marcus in business or Angel in the underworld. He had exceeded every goal he set for himself. There were no more mountains to climb, no one to kill. The unquenchable need to conquer was now focused on Lyla.

His hand moved over her stomach. “Have you taken a pregnancy test?”

The loss of his father and Vinny left a chasm inside him that hungered for what only she could give him. He needed more. Nora was the best thing that ever happened to him. Every day she grew stronger. He saw a glimmer of the woman she’d become. He couldn’t wait for her to learn to talk in complete sentences and grow into her personality. She was the perfect mix of him and Lyla, a part of them that would live past their time. One day, they wouldn’t be here, and Nora needed siblings for permanent backup. He wanted to see what their kids looked like, and if they’d all have Lyla’s stunning eyes. He wanted to see their similarities and differences and wanted the challenge of being the father to a huge brood.

Vinny’s loss haunted him. He saw it still had a hold on Carmen as well. She was pushing hard for the same reasons he was—they fucking owed it to Vinny and his father to live life to the fullest so their deaths wouldn’t be in vain. He had Lyla and Nora, and he was going to give them all he had.

“I’m not pregnant,” Lyla said.

“How do you know?”

“I just do.”

He rubbed her stomach. “I’m surprised you haven’t gotten pregnant.” He’d been trying his damndest.

“Gavin, it’s only been four months.”

Yeah, four months of constant fucking. Maybe he needed to put more time into the project.

The front door opened. He turned his head to see who the fuck was coming in when everyone was supposed to getout. His COO walked in and spotted them.

“Marcus!” Lyla exclaimed and rose to hug him.

Marcus grinned as he engulfed her in his arms. “How are you doing?”

“I’m excellent. I wish you could have come earlier. I set aside some food for you just in case.”

“Sorry I missed the party. Is Carmen still here?” Marcus asked.

“Yes, she’s out back.”

“Are you excited about your trip?”

Lyla beamed. “Yes! Maybe you can take Carmen somewhere once we get back.”

Marcus glanced at him before he murmured, “Maybe.”

“You can,” Gavin said.

Carmen said something to that effect earlier. If Marcus wanted time off, he hadn’t said a damn thing. Marcus wasn’t shy. He was always pushing him to expand, rebrand, or renovate something. Marcus was right where he wanted to be. It was Carmen who wanted to go off wherever the fuck she wanted to and force Marcus along. He didn’t approve of their fuck buddy relationship. Carmen was hell on wheels, and there was no controlling her. She would go where the wind blew her and get into any activity that had some amount of danger and risk involved. She was reckless and insane. He watched his cousin chase after her for most of their relationship. Marcus was no match for her.

“Where’s my goddaughter?” Marcus asked.

“Blade put her to sleep.”

“I’ll have to stop by to see her when you two get back.” He tilted his head to the side as he surveyed Lyla. “You’re glowing.”

Gavin yanked Lyla down on the couch beside him. “Fuck off, Marcus.”

He didn’t like any man close to Lyla, even if it was Marcus. His COO wasn’t offended. Marcus tipped his head back and laughed uproariously while Lyla shot him a reproachful look. He wasn’t in the mood for Marcus’ antics when he was thinking about getting her pregnant.

“I better fetch Carmen before he goes postal,” Marcus said to Lyla before he headed toward the back of the house.

Lyla smacked his chest. “What the hell is wrong with you?”