“Your what?” Gavin asked.

She waved her hands as she tried to make them understand. “I know Gavin has to go to work. Carmen moved out, and the only person who’s always here is Blade.”

He started off as a gruff second in command, but somewhere along the road, he had morphed into something else. He was her protector, teacher, trainer, confidant, and shadow. He was such an intrinsic part of her life that his disappearance made her feel as if something vital was missing.

“You’re by my side day and night for three years. You can’t just vanish into thin air! What if I need you?”

There was a humming silence in the kitchen. She was dimly aware of the weight of Gavin’s stare, but she didn’t look at him. Her focus was on Blade who was watching her with a grim, contemplative expression.

“I know you can’t be with me twenty-four seven, but can you … can you just tell me when you’re going somewhere?” she asked.

Blade nodded. “I can do that.”

She let out a long breath. “Thank you.” She finally chanced a look at Gavin to find him shaking his head. She was glad he wasn’t going to Hulk out about her attachment to Blade that she hadn’t even been aware of. How could she not depend on him? He was there for every crisis, taking charge and putting his life in jeopardy without hesitation. They had fought side by side. He saw her and Gavin at their worst and never strayed from her side. Blade was an immovable force that had never let her down.

“So where did you go?” she asked.

“None of your business.”

She scowled. He was annoying as hell. When he passed her, she caught a faint whiff of heavy perfume. “You’re seeing someone?”

Blade put Nora in her high chair and ignored her.

“You have a girlfriend?” she persisted.

Blade sneered. “Never had a girlfriend in my life.”

“Booty call?”

“I never fuck the same girl more than once.”

“So you got laid? That’s it? Why’d you want to keep that from me? Did you go to the brothel in Crystal?”

Gavin straightened. “What the fuck?”

Blade looked bewildered. “Why would I drive to Crystal for whores when there’s free pussy in the city?”

“Did you spend the whole night with your one-night stand?”

“You’re done,” Gavin announced as he grabbed her arm and towed her away from Blade who looked more displeased than usual. “How the hell do you know about Crystal?”

“Carmen and I drove out to the Love Ranch once.”

A muscle clenched in his cheek. “Why?”

“Why not? Who wouldn’t want to see a brothel? Did you know the Love Ranch has a gift shop? The food isn’t bad either.”


“The staff was really nice. It says on the sign that sex isn’t required. Some people go there for the food.”

“I bet they do,” he muttered.

He pulled her into his office and set her on the edge of his desk.

“Where the fuck was I when you went on this field trip?” he asked as he spread her legs to make a place for himself.

“At work.”