She dropped her face in her hand. Just when the danger should have disappeared, she reignited it by doing something monumentally stupid. “Shit.”
“I’ll take care of it. I was planning to kill him myself, but if it made you feel better, so be it.”
He didn’t give two shits that she killed a man in cold blood. Even as it soothed her bloodlust, a voice in the back of her head said something was very wrong about the fact that Angel thought killing people was appropriate if it made you feel better. And on that note …
“What the hell was that?”
“My introduction as crime lord.” He gave a one-shoulder shrug. “Everything went according to plan, including killing Maddog. I just didn’t expect you to be the one to do it.”
“You planned to kill him all along and took me with you? Are you crazy?”
“Your father was an enforcer, and you were married to Vinny. I doubt much shocks you. Besides, you’ve killed before.”
“That was self-defense!” she shouted and then realized where they were. “Turn left.” Angel obeyed, and she continued her rant. “I don’t kill people when I’m bored.”
“No, only when provoked. It was your right to kill him, Carmen.”
She leaned toward him, sure any moment now she would breathe fire. “You shouldn’t have forced me to go with you! I fucking killed a man, and you made enemies with all the big players in the city! You need allies, not more enemies. Fuck. You have a death wish.”
“I know what I’m doing.”
“They are going to kill you,” she enunciated, clapping her hands for emphasis with each word. “And me too. Turn here.”
“They can try,” Angel said absently as he looked around. “This neighborhood is …”
“Not what you’re used to?” she quipped. “Yeah, I know, rich boy.”
“Doesn’t look like someplace you’d be either, sweetheart, when you have the fortune you do. Your shoes cost more than the mortgage for these houses.”
“I grew up here.”
“And live with your mom?”
“Actually, I’m looking for a new place, and the sooner, the better it seems.”
“There’s a property near mine. Actually, maybe it’s better if—”
“No,” she clipped. “Turn left on Craig Road.”
“Maybe you should move back in with Gavin and Lyla.”
“I’m fine.” She was so far from fine, it was ridiculous, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.
Angel followed her terse directions and pulled up to her family house. He put the car in park in her driveway. “I was hoping to give your demons what they needed tonight.”
It was almost nice in a fucked-up way. He was trying to help her. He understood her cravings and tried to feed them but got more than he bargained for. She let out a long breath. “We’re alive. That’s all that matters.”
“There was never going to be another outcome.”
Arrogant. “How are you going home?”
He pushed open his door and climbed out. “Eli’s tracking me. He shouldn’t be far behind.”
“So he’s your second?”
“If you want to call him that.” A car slowed down at the end of the driveway. “I think this is him.”
She heard a sharp ping that she didn’t understand until his body jerked. Two more muffled shots made him reel back as he took the bullets to the chest. No. Rage blotted out common sense and fear. She grabbed her gun and tossed herself over the console and peeked her head out the door. Three men approached with their guns drawn to finish him off. It was a reenactment of Vinny’s murder. This couldn’t be happening to her again.