Her buzz disappeared. His words were as effective as a slap in the face. She was dimly aware of the boy toy backing off. Obviously, he thought Marcus was her husband.
“You can do better than that,” Marcus said as he latched onto her wrist and tried to yank her off the dance floor.
She couldn’t believe this guy! She caught sight of Alice watching with her mouth hanging open. She yanked away from Marcus and snatched Alice’s hand, pulling her into the crowd with her. Fucking Marcus blew her high, so she needed a distraction, and Alice provided the perfect opportunity. She would spend the night showing Alice how to live it up on the glorious Strip.
“What’s going on?” Alice hollered.
She stopped in the middle of the crush and faced Alice who looked rumpled and uneasy. “Marcus is being a dick.”
Alice jerked. “A what?”
“Never mind. Dance with me.”
She pulled Alice against her front and began to move.
“What are you doing?” Alice squeaked.
“Don’t think. Just feel.”
She wrapped her arms around Alice, who was as stiff as a mannequin. Carmen moved, encouraging the other woman to lose herself in the music and soak in the atmosphere. Alice did an odd two-step, and her eyes flicked from person to person. She grasped Alice’s face and kissed her. Alice went rigid but didn’t pull away. Carmen kissed her gently, seeking basic human connection and comfort when she felt so alone. She focused on the softness of her soft lips and… was that grape lip balm? Carmen swayed, and this time Alice moved with her, too distracted by the kiss to be uptight. When she pulled away, Alice’s eyes were as big as saucers.
“I-I’m not … I mean, I don’t swing that way,” Alice stammered.
For the first time that night, Carmen grinned. “Me either.”
“Then why—?”
“Look, now you can dance.” She playfully swiveled her hips, and Alice copied before reason returned, and she went stiff again.
Alice stared at her as if she was an ax murderer. “I don’t think this is appropriate.”
“Appropriate?” She laughed and swung Alice around, making the skirt of her ugly dress flare. “You’re in a club called Incognito. We encourage bad behavior.” She gestured to the wall of mirrors surrounding the dance floor. “Behind the mirrors are private rooms you can rent by the minute.”
“By the minute?” Alice echoed, and then her mouth sagged as it hit home. “Are you serious?”
“Of course, I am.” Carmen accepted a kiss from a passing man without blinking.
Alice pushed the man away and tucked Carmen protectively against her. “You’re drunk. You shouldn’t … This isn’t my scene.”
“I know, but it’s what you chose.”
Alice frowned. “I didn’t choose this.”
“You chose Vegas, and you chose Pyre Casinos. This is an extension of your world, one you have to get used to.”
Alice pursed her lips as she turned her words over in her mind before she gave a reluctant nod. “What do I need to do?”
Carmen leaned forward and whispered, “Live.”
“I am living,” Alice said.
“There’s living and thenliving.”
“I don’t understand.”
Carmen grabbed Alice’s hand and led her off the dance floor.
“Where are we going?”