The doors opened, and she stepped into a quiet hallway with a wall of tinted glass that looked out at the Red Diamond. A gold, glittering stage took up one end of the club and flowed into a long runway lined with stripper poles that divided the club in two. Six girls twirled dreamily to the music. A hazy ruby light highlighted smaller stages around the club. She appreciated the glint of gold throughout the club which included the bar, chairs, and trays of the servers moving through the crowd. The Red Diamond was filled to capacity. She walked down the hallway to Kiki’s office and nodded to the armed guard who moved aside as she approached. She gave a cursory knock before she entered.
The office looked as respectable and classy as any executive’s aside from a few eccentricities. Gold framed nudes hung on the black velvet walls, and the room was littered with life-size copper and silver sculptured men. At the far end of the soundproof office was an impressive walnut desk occupied by a formidable woman smoking a cigar. She looked up through a cloud of smoke. Her forbidding expression disappeared when she recognized Carmen. A genuine smile curved her hard mouth. Kiki rose and stood six-foot-three in six-inch stilettos.
“Give me a fucking hug, girlie,” Kiki said.
Carmen ran to her friend and was caught up in a bone-crushing hug. Kiki pulled back and examined her. “You’re looking good, chickie.”
“So do you.”
Even at sixty-three, Kiki was a sight to behold in a red tailored jumpsuit, diamond choker, slick ponytail, and flawless makeup job. Kiki went to the wet bar in the corner and poured Carmen a glass of whiskey.
“I haven’t seen you since Vinny’s funeral,” Kiki said.
“I’ve been keeping my cousin company.”
“The one who married Gavin Pyre?”
“Yes. They had a baby a couple of months back.”
Kiki handed her the glass and perched on the edge of the desk. “How are you doing?”
“You look it.” Kiki let out a stream of smoke before she said, “What the fuck is happening in the underworld?”
Carmen held her gaze. “I’m sure you already know.”
Kiki had connections, murky ones that Carmen wasn’t interested in digging up.
“Angel Roman is the new head honcho?”
“What about New York?”
“There’s more than one Roman brother.”
Kiki grunted. “And Roque will be out soon. Fuck.”
Carmen frowned and opened her mouth but thought better of it. She was out of underworld business. The less she knew, the better. She took a healthy swallow of whiskey and enjoyed the burn. Her foot bounced, which betrayed her eagerness to join the madness just beyond these walls.
“Why’s Pyre stepping down?” Kiki asked.
“My cousin.”
Kiki eyed her intently. “Your cousin slayed in the Pit. They’re the perfect couple to rule the underworld. No one would dare fuck with them.”
So Lyla’s exploits were already on the streets. Carmen resisted the urge to beam with pride. “They have a daughter, and Lyla’s not interested in underworld politics.”
Kiki made a disgusted smacking sound with her lips. “Fucking love.”
Carmen toasted her. “Fucking love.” It was the strongest force on the planet. Nothing on earth could erase your memories of a loved one who left you behind. All she could do was carry on the best she could without him.
“Business would be easier without having to deal with a new crime lord.”
“Angel Roman has bigger things to deal with than us.”
“I hope you’re right. Vega never bothered with us during his reign.”